effect of microwave on human body ppt

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In communications, the microwaves come from mobile phones and their base stations and microwave links, in addition to cordless phones, terrestrial trunked radios, blue tooth devices, wireless local area networks and many other applications. Resulting Effects on the Human Body. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequencies ranging from 300MHz to 300GHz. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Lai et al. Google Scholar. Acetylcholine: cognitive and brain functions. 2003;80:177. Sci STKE. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol. Krylova I, Dukhanin A, Il'in A, Kuznetsova EY, Balaeva N, Shimanovskii N, et al. [83] found that long-term exposure to microwave radiation (typical mobile phone, at an SAR level range of 0.170.37W/kg for 3h daily for 8months, or wireless digital enhanced cordless telecommunications/telephone (DECT) base at an SAR level range of 0.0120.028W/kg for 8h/d for 8months) induced the synthesis of 143 proteins, including some neuronal function-associated proteins such as glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), glial maturation factor (GMF), apolipo protein E, heat-shock protein, cytoskeletal proteins and some proteins that are associated with metabolism in the brain. Quantitation, regional vulnerability, and kinetic modeling of brain glucose metabolism in mild Alzheimers disease. Effect of mobile-phone radiation on Human health - SlideShare Hans Hertel, a Swiss food scientist, initiated the first tests on microwaved food and microwave cooking to determine how microwaves affect human physiology and the blood. 2014;70:84555. Motawi TK, Darwish HA, Moustafa YM, Labib MM. 2005;360:6577. 1994;15:95104. Joubert et al. Chandrasekaran K, Hatanp K, Rapoport SI, Brady DR. The former is now recognized worldwide as a method for evaluating learning and memory, while the latter is viewed as more susceptible to other factors. 2000;284:30017. increased with the growing in the number of devices that used the Microwave frequencies in. Article Nuclear pyknosis and capillary congestion are also observed. Suhhova et al. To determine the specific dose-effect relationship between microwave radiation and its biological effects, more intensive studies must be performed. For example, people who have used mobile phones for more than 10years have a clearly higher risk of brain tumors. Trends Neurosci. Brain Res Rev. Hear I can show the different strength of microwave technologies. 2013;23:306. Szmigielski S. Cancer morbidity in subjects occupationally exposed to high frequency (radiofrequency and microwave) electromagnetic radiation. 1992;114:16202. WJZ wrote the paper and outlined this manuscript, LFW and XJH provided a detailed guidance throughout the article. Int J Radiat Biol. 2010;86:37683. Therefore, their reproducibility and comparability are poor. Then that poisonous acid harms the kidneys and nervous system. Relationship between cognition function and hippocampus structure after long-term microwave exposure. Dasdag et al. 2005;130:591600. 2002;64:31353. 2011;343:5224. Bioelectromagnetics. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. Merola et al. Effect on human attention of exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phones. The increase in M1 receptor gene expression along with the impairment of novel preferences in Wi-Fi-exposed animals may suggest a possible role of the cholinergic system in the detrimental effects of Wi-Fi radiation on multisensory integration [100]. 2002;13:11921. 2006;12:44651. Since mobile phones are used in positions very close to the human body and require a large Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case-control study. A metabolomic approach to screening urinary metabolites upon microwave exposure in monkeys. Chizhenkova R. Slow potentials and spike unit activity of the cerebral cortex of rabbits exposed to microwaves. 2004;48:46624. RF energy has the ability to heat human tissue, much like the way that microwave ovens heat food, and can be hazardous if the exposure is sufficiently intense or prolonged. The potential mechanisms underlying these damaging effects range from gene expression alterations in the respiratory chain, membrane damage, Ca2+ overloading, and DNA impairment [122,123,124,125,126,127,128]. 1997;44:99104. Bioelectromagnetics. Instead, the effects of exposure of hu-mans and other life forms must be deter-mined and used to set realistic permissi-ble exposure limits. In particular, somatization, obsessive compulsivity, paranoid ideation and psychoticism were reported [17]. Brain Res. The thermal effects of exposure to RF and microwave radiation are well established and fairly well understood. Wang et al. Neurosci Lett. Xiong et al. Of these, five rats were repeatedly exposed to extremely low-frequency microwaves (915MHz; pulse width, 20ms; average power density, 0.3mW/cm2; repetition frequency, 4.0Hz; intermittently for 1min, On for 1min, and Off for 10min; SAR, 0.7mW/g) and 5 were in the sham group. 2006;27:11926. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. Electromagn Biol Med. Bull Exp Biol Med. Repeated Wi-Fi studies show that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload. Baer C, Claus R, Plass C. Genome-wide epigenetic regulation of miRNAs in cancer. 1984;5:6370. Because a childs nervous system is growing and their head is more vulnerable to radiation energy, studies that have specifically addressed whether the nervous systems of children are more susceptible to electromagnetic radiation have been performed. Harris KM. 1975;148:1723. A resting eyes-closed electroencephalogram was used to continuously record the results, which showed that there was an increase in the power of the , 1 and 2 frequency bands in the 0.303W/kg group and in the 2 frequency bands in the 0.003W/kg group. The results of EEG and analyses of the structure of the brain after radiation have also confirmed the influence of microwaves. Lymphatic Systems: Due to chemical alterations within food substances, malfunctions occur in the lymphatic system, causing a degeneration of the body's ability to . millimeter, or equivalently. Among the variety of neurotransmitters, glutamate is the most abundant endogenous amino acid in the mammalian central nervous system. A large amount of heat can be generated to caused severe damage to the body. Decreased expression of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA-encoded genes of oxidative phosphorylation in association neocortex in Alzheimer disease. They summarized the characteristics and functions of hippocampus-related miRNAs following irradiation with microwaves, and these data laid a foundation that clarified the molecular mechanisms underlying microwave-induced injury to hippocampal learning and memory and suggested potential therapeutic targets. 2017;326:291. 2014;90:2935. 2012;25:1828. The Microwave signals in the food can cause water molecules to pulsate, generates heat to cook the food. J Sleep Res. PubMed Central Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip. Shahin S, Banerjee S, Singh SP, Chaturvedi CM. The fields had an average power density of 0, 5, 10 or 50mW/cm2. Military Med Res 4, 29 (2017). Hippocampal acetylcholine release during memory testing in rats: augmentation by glucose. The authors detected the EEG within the frequency bands of 0.530.0Hz for 5 consecutive days. Nimchinsky EA, Sabatini BL, Svoboda K. Structure and function of dendritic spines. as it have a harmful side. The results demonstrated the ability of electric magnetic field (EMF) to influence plasma melatonin and serotonin concentrations in radar workers. Thus, these results suggest that the 2.4W/kg GSM 1800MHz microwaves may reduce excitatory synaptic activity and the number of excitatory synapses in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. The Dangers of Microwaves and Their Effects on Food - Natural Society For example, it can shorten reaction times so that people can better cope with danger. [41] exposed rats to 2.45GHz microwaves (2 pulse width, 500 pps, and SAR 0.6W/kg) for 45min and found that microwave-induced behavioral alterations measured by Lai had more to do with factors related to performance bias than to spatial working memory. [15] assessed the use of mobile and cordless phones in 347 cases of melanoma in the head and neck region and 1184 controls and found no increased risk. Wang H, Peng R, Zhao L, Wang S, Gao Y, Wang L, et al. EEG is often used as a tool to diagnose Alzheimers disease [48]. [46] found that by excessively activating the NMDA receptor signaling pathway, microwaves undermine hippocampal synaptic plasticity, explaining the damage observed in learning and memory abilities in radiated rats. Maternal exposure to Wi-Fi radio frequencies led to various adverse neurological effects in the offspring. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip. Toxicol Sci. 2005;161:52635. [80] found that irradiation with 900MHz, 2W/kg continuous microwaves for 24h induced an increase in rat neuronal apoptosis. Electromagn Biol Med. 2015;91:30611. PubMed Int J Radiat Biol. This effect is similar to the decrease observed in NR2B in rats. The microwave will do its intended job of heating and will start to burn (or cook) the skin tissue. [92] found that 900MHz microwave radiation emitted by mobile phones increased protein carbonyl levels in the brains of rats, suggesting that 900MHz microwave radiation can alter some biomolecules such as proteins. However, there was no change in the frequency of AMPA mEPSCs or the amplitudes of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) mEPSCs. Int J Hyg Environ Health. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. Othman et al. Cookies policy. Belyaev IY, Koch CB, Terenius O, Roxstrm-Lindquist K, Malmgren LO, Sommer HW, et al. Whole-body exposure to 2.45 GHz electromagnetic fields does not alter 12-arm radial-maze with reduced access to spatial cues in rats. J Neuro. Bioelectromagnetics. Chronic microwave exposures were executed with 2.45GHz of either modulated (power density, 0.029mW/cm2; specific absorption rate, 0.019W/kg with a sinusoidal modulation of 400Hz) or non-modulated continuous sinusoidal wave (power density, 0.033mW/cm2; specific absorption rate, 0.023W/kg) for 2h daily for 1month. The visual reaction time and short-term memory of healthy male and female workers at a radar site with a frequency range of 218GHz was recorded with a simple blind computer-assisted-visual reaction time test or modified Wechsler Memory Scale test. Specifically, the Federal Communications . Schz J, Jacobsen R, Olsen JH, Boice JD, McLaughlin JK, Johansen C. Cellular telephone use and cancer risk: update of a nationwide Danish cohort. Bioelectromagnetics. The effects are usually . Terms and Conditions, The interaction of microwaves with matter other than metallic conductors will be to rotate molecules and produce heat as result of that molecular motion. Thus, the committee suggested that in the future, studies should explore the border between thermal and non-thermal effects and that specific effects, such as triggering the onset of thermoregulatory reactions, should be defined. 2008;86:718. Mortazavi S, Rouintan M, Taeb S, Dehghan N, Ghaffarpanah A, Sadeghi Z, et al. Othman H, Ammari M, Sakly M, Abdelmelek H. Effects of prenatal exposure to WIFI signal (2.45 GHz) on postnatal development and behavior in rat: influence of maternal restraint. Digestive System: The unstable catabolism of microwaved foods alters their elemental food substances, causing disorders in the digestive system. Lnn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M. Long-term mobile phone use and brain tumor risk. CAS Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. 2005;161:3314. Decreased synthesis of acetylcholine accompanying impaired oxidation of pyruvic acid in rat brain minces. These spines have been reported to share a close relationship with learning and memory abilities, and when protein synthesis in dendritic spines is blocked, new spine growth and the development of long spines are both decreased [91]. The above results indicate a positive biological effect of microwave radiation and present a challenge with regard to how people can benefit from microwave radiation. [49] found that microwave radiation enhanced brain wave energy, decreased brain wave frequency, and increased the amplitude and power of delta frequency bands, indicating a decrease in learning ability [50,51,52,53]. Investigation of Microwave Electromagnetic Fields in Open and Shielded 2004;115:1490505. Dasdag S, Akdag MZ, Kizil G, Kizil M, Cakir DU, Yokus B. [40] also repeated the experiment only and found that radial-arm maze performance in rats remained unchanged. Resting state cortical EEG rhythms in Alzheimer's disease: toward EEG markers for clinical applications: a review. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Johansen C, Boice JD, McLaughlin JK, Olsen JH. Behav Brain Res. . The authors found that 2.4GHz microwave radiation reduced the expression of some miRNAs such as miR-106b-5p and miR-107 [98]. 2000;11:4135. Radial arm maze performance of rats following repeated low level microwave radiation exposure. Biomed Environ Sci. Modulation of HSP response in SH-SY5Y cells following exposure to microwaves of a mobile phone. Verma RK, Sisodia R, Bhatia A. Radioprotective role of Amaranthus Gangeticus Linn. Effect of mobile radiation on health ppt . Microwave Radiation Effects on Humans - JSTOR Additionally, the number of crossings was significantly lower at 3 d after microwave radiation. fMicrowave Radiation Comes From Many Sources, Including: Cell phones. In epidemiology, there is no conclusive evidence showing that microwaves have carcinogenic effects. Additionally, people exposed to military microwave sources were more vulnerable to brain tumors. Low intensity microwave radiation induced oxidative stress, inflammatory response and DNA damage in rat brain. Regional cerebral glucose uptake in the 3xTG model of Alzheimer's disease highlights common regional vulnerability across AD mouse models. 1994;8:714. The Morris water maze has been widely used in neurobehavioral tests [36]. Kwon et al. Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2004;996:8996. Most of the workers recovered when they left the source of microwave radiation. Per the FDA, the microwave can heat human skin. 2003;11:346. Aydin D, Feychting M, Schz J, Andersen TV, Poulsen AH, Prochazka M, et al. It addresses the impact on developing head and brain tumours, other morbidity-related outcomes and summarizes the biological effects of RF and microwave radiation. Cell Biochem Biophys. Most studies have suggested that microwave radiation can cause EEG abnormalities in experimental animals and participants, but some negative results have also been reported in studies using low-power microwaves. [103] found that microwave radiation caused DNA single-strand and double-strand breaks in vivo in populations submitted to occupational exposure, and the incidence of micronuclei in lymphocytes was significantly increased. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017;52:23947. Effects of 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi equipment on microRNA expression in brain tissue. PLoS One. Dasdag S, Balci K, Ayyildiz M, Celik M, Tekes S, Kaplan A. CAS 2013;32:27380. Sareesh et al. Mortazavi S, Tavakkoli-Golpayegani A, Haghani M, Mortazavi S. Looking at the other side of the coin: the search for possible biopositive cognitive effects of the exposure to 900 MHz GSM mobile phone radiofrequency radiation. : a biochemical study on mouse brain. J Clin Oncol. To investigate the effects of 2.4GHz Wi-Fi radiation on multisensory integration in rats, a cross-modal visual-tactile object recognition (CMOR) task was performed by four variations of the spontaneous object recognition (SOR) test including the standard SOR, tactile SOR, visual SOR, and CMOR tests. [65] irradiated Wistar rats with 10, 30 and 50mW/cm2 microwaves, and the results showed that in the cerebral cortex, only glycine (Gly) and asparagine (Asp) levels were increased. Their answers to questionnaires showed that the workers suffered from symptoms including headaches, fatigue, stress and sleeplessness. 2010;473:525. Google Scholar. Protein synthesis is necessary for dendritic spine proliferation in adult brain slices. The transduction of a nerve impulse and the postsynaptic potential produced by it result in synaptic transmission. It has been suggested that there is an increased risk of glioma at the highest exposure levels, but biases and errors prevent causal interpretations of these data. Therefore, in this article, we reviewed recent studies that have explored the effects of microwave radiation on the brain, especially the hippocampus, including analyses of epidemiology, morphology, electroencephalograms, learning and memory abilities and the mechanisms underlying brain dysfunction. Thus, in the early developmental stage, chronic exposure to 2.4W/kg GSM microwaves may influence dendritic development and the formation of excitatory synapses in cultures of hippocampal neurons. Thus, Cosquer et al. Google Scholar. 2014;12:75. This phenomenon may be explained by the varied radiation dosage adopted in these studies. Behav Brain Res. Mobile phone use facilitates memory in male, but not female, subjects. Lu M, Zhu J, Qian C, Wang G, Nie J, Tong J. At present, due to a general consensus that the most significant parameter for . Pathophysiology. Concurrently, the discovery that microwaves have positive biological effects has presented new challenges for research and applications in this field. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic. Melatonin and serotonin levels were estimated, which play important roles in the nervous system. Am J Epidemiol. [105] identified stable C-T mutation sites at 217 points by screening for SNPs in the GRIN2B promoter region in rats. In 43% of devices, military personnel are not exposed to an electromagnetic field. Lai H, Horita A, Guy AW. Google Scholar. Google Scholar. 2010;28:445. 2015;140:23646. However,. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. California Privacy Statement, 2014;9:e95503. Annu Rev Physiol. Recent advances in the effects of microwave radiation on brains. PubMed Central Springer Nature. Smythe JW, Costall B. The biological effects of radio waves on human body tissues - ResearchGate

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effect of microwave on human body ppt

effect of microwave on human body ppt