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Thank you Barry, & Gary I read about Wigglesworth from your link, & appreciated it also. Jesus 1st miracle was getting a whole wedding party turning water into the very best of wines. The Cross Only the Death Sentence Will Avail is lacking. Hopefully he will be allowed to stay. If a man comes performing miracles in Jesus name but preaches idols- money, ambition, love of the world and anything in the world money, sensuality, power or selfish ambition- THAT MAN IS A WOLF! Marilyn. Torben opens himself up to such testing be posting these videos. It is sadly often, as Terri has said, that it is other Christians who have been disappointed or are afraid what others may think that pour cold water on the faith of others. Jesus said Greater things would we do after He went to be with His father. There is just no convincing some people. Bringing the traveling road show called WIERDSVILLE into the mainstream of modern church life. I do find it interesting how everyone attacks those trying to bring people into the knowledge of the truth. What is wrong with people? their church out of control by the gifted ones. Consider how different Torbens Jesus is from the Jesus in the Scriptures. And when man USES these things, that is witchcraft. It is the He believes he is a self appointed apostle with a Last Reformation belief system. His ministry recently came under attack by the Danish government, which launched investigations by six different government agencies. I am very wary of Him, indeed. sondergaard torben vergadering enkele He is NOT MR. Wierdsville! But they sought God in prayer and fasting and rose up believing. If we dont learn from history we are bound to repeat it. Torben has been in jail since his arrest when authorities shackled him hand and foot like a terrorist. Maria Conwell WebTorben makes friends for himself and not for the Living Resurrected Lord of all. I have no agenda other to please Him. Ultimately, God has to show this to you, not me. One day, when he was 16, his mother had a stroke. He came back to Houston a broken and disillusioned man. Fearmongers is a negative description of people who warn others. GaryB quoted the right scripture in Acts 5:38-39, And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow itlest you even be found to fight against God.. His ministry recently came under attack by the Danish government, which launched investigations by six different government agencies. As Ive stated before, true miracles and miraculous healings are not subject to debate as they are objective and cannot be challenged. He feels the solitude of the leper`s loneliness & Dear Barry .here is a quote from your post. Certainly going to a local village for instance and seeing the Elder of a village get healed dramatically by us, is going to get the attention of the whole village on God very quickly and allow the preaching of the word to follow without effort. Thank you Lord. Within a year, the situation became untenable and out of fear the Danish government was planning to arrest him for practicing his faith, Torben and his family made the difficult decision to flee their homeland. Get ready! The Fiery Presence led them by night. Well saidyou have hit a few nails on the head in your last post. Doves dung represents a past movement of the Holy Spirit, a great revival from the past, but now long dead, that has been denomination-alized in the attempt to keep it alive beyond its time. We dont have to obey the law because the Father himself now tells us what is right and what is wrong. Who says that someones new birth experience has to be like a drive up fast food place? Any unforgiveness or unhealed wounds of the heart that the scriptures command that we be SANCTIFIED from; HEALED from; PURIFIED from..GIVE THE DEVIL LEGAL ACCESS TO TORMENT AND ATTACK US. First, she told about the man with the wooden leg. If I were putting my life out in the public eye with videos on the Internet, then I would expect true believers to test what I was doing. . He never flattered people in power, such as Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, enticing them to join His group and help Him If He had compromised with the Pharisees, He could probably have obtained worldly influence easily. spread the word! Repent (change the inner man to meet Gods will) and do the works you did previously [when first you knew the Lord], or else I will visit you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you change your mind and repent. A new Jesus one who never calls for self denial, who is more hyper spiritual than he is authentically human. Deliverance and healing all at once on a whole congregation of people? In January 2019, Torben, his family and work they were doing atThe Jesus Centerbecame the target of what appeared to be a coordinatedeffort to shut down his ministry. I am also sad to report that I knew a man whose wife was dying of cancer. It is Christ that God would have us focus on & not trying to prove that it is all history. In the United States, the federal government has even used this same infiltration tactic to control our news media. `And beginning with Moses & with all the prophets, He (Jesus) explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the scriptures.` (Luke 24: 27). Torben says he is doing what God told him to do, you prove to us that he is not ! Just confuses people. A man was in the corner with his shirt off screaming inaudibly at a mirror and writhing about as if he was on fire. Sounds like these so-called Christian leaders expect to be lauded for their flowery words something Jesus explicitly warns us against!! This goes for others also, not just Trenton, who have commented on Bill Johnson in this thread above, When you make comments about people who are actually your brothers and sisters in the Lord and say publically that they are not and condemn and run them down you are actually condemning and running down Jesus because He stands with them He is one spirit with them just as He is one spirit with you if you belong to Him, When you do this you fight against yourself, So if you cant say, The Holy Spirit told me regarding Bill Johnson in a negative way then I suggest that you dont say anything negative about him at all but take your concerns to the Lord in prayer and support him in prayer, I dont sense from any of the comments made by anyone above about Bill Johnson that any of you (commenters) have done this, But this is what scripture tells you to do, If you think you are spiritual then you are meant to be able to restore someone who you think is caught in a fault with a spirit of meekness thats the proof of your spirituality I dont see that in the comments made about Bill Johnson above, We need to be careful we are those who believe in the Lord one family. The deaf were healed and the lame walked right on camera. Dana Jarvis Faith is rising in my heart that God can use any of his children to minister to the sick. Okay, you may lamb baste me again good Christians. This prophesy shall be fulfilled in Gods people ! The next 15 years he and his wife served God with spreading the Gospel and church planting in different cities around Denmark. To date in this generation the world spurns the people of God like people spurn the cheap Elvis impersonators . The next 15 years he and his wife served God with spreading the Gospel and church planting in different cities around Denmark. Jhn 17:14 NASB I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Yes! Lord heal out hearts of the cynicism. It would be hard for God to grow a leg out when the wooden leg is attached. I havent once *attacked* anyone, or been negative. Torben is doing what is commanded in New testimant Christianity. All that Christ wanted was faith in Himself. Jesus shows us TRUE FAITH. It is the primary activity of the ekklesias, it is our goal as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is how the world will be reached with the gospel of the Kingdom of God. I had the same thought, Kevin. Read this article: That is the way the Pharisees operated with Jesus. I dont even have the right words for the understanding that I do have, or think I have. Read my updates Where do you get your identity? Watchful..I found where Paul makes that statement about FEARING for the church in Corinth. I simply yielded to what Jesus wanted to do in that household! christen discipel slaaf The evil tactics employed by the unrighteous are foreign to the righteous, making us vulnerable to believing their intentions are pure when they are seeking our destruction. Weve seen enough of the problems. You missed the entire divine point and purpose of the video- to show that Jesus still uses ordinary , humble, weak nobodies to do his marvelous works. Will try the link you posted. And now our center is closed, our 80,000 square feet center in Denmark is closed. Who originated each miracle an who copied? it is very doubtful that we have true Bible Christianity at all. But the Lord is both merciful and mighty and He is able to deliver His own if they are willing and repent of idolatry etc. Asking questions is always wise and yet skeptism and cynicism is folly also. If my words didnt reflect an honest spirit of wanting to do that, then I have failed and would ask your forgiveness. Bill Johnson, and all these false prophets, teachers, evangelists, Earlier this year I felt the Lord placed it on my heart to investigate Bill Johnson , I started with what Bethel expressed as what they believe I dont see anything wrong with the statement of what they believe which I posted previously on this thread, I then listened to a number of Bill Johnsons sermons (videos) on YouTube they were all recent I tried to listen to as recent as I could, He honoured the Lord Jesus He honoured knowing the Lord Jesus He honoured the Lord Jesus words I am not saying that I agreed 100% with every single thing I heard him share but he definitely believes that Jesus is God and is Man always was God and always will be God, I am judging him by his own confession and his own confession of surrender to the Lord Jesus and he has committed himself to the Lord Jesus and is living to honour him I could tell this through the spirit of what he was sharing in his sermons, In the sermons I watched on YouTube which were at Bethel, Redding there was prayer for the sick where people gathered around those who were sick and prayed for them I didnt see anything weird or suspect or new age or whatever in any of these YouTube videos this was happening in their services praying for the sick and people were expressing that they were healed , Bill Johnson is going after healing He is taking seriously Jesus words, Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and is wanting his life and the life of his local congregation to demonstrate this, I never heard him call himself a prophet or a healer or anything else for that matter, He came across to me as a very humble man who knew the Lord personally, had surrendered himself to Him and wanted to serve and please Him, I was blessed by many of the things which I heard him share and know that he is my brother is Christ, Does that mean that hes never made a mistake in his life? Looking into Kraken & eToro for, These prophecies were written thousands of years ago and remain unfulfilled but are just as active and alive as theyve. Its time. Since the whole of the scriptures CONDEMNS BEING FEARFUL, ANXIOUS AND WORRIED, then I would have to say that Paul was of weak faith when it came to the letter he was writing. Not as playthings, not as things we use and do with as WE (flesh) please. 2Corinth 13:1. He thought God was going to leave him hanging out on a limb after Moses said all the things God told him to say. It is necessary for the natural thinking world to see the supernatural part of God operating through us, because we are all spirit filled and supernatural beings too, and God is also a spirit. Yesterday I posted some advice to these dear brothers to run away from the spotlight, from cameras, and from those who would try to make them kings, but it looks like I may have forgotten to hit the send buttonthat was the wisdom the Lord gave to me in a flash yesterday and sought to share it. Your email address will not be published. His touch cleansed the leper, raised the dead, & restored the ear Peter had severed. It is always interesting to me how the people who want to use the scriptures to support their OPINIONS, KNOW SO LITTLE ABOUT THE SCRIPTURES. I believe we are moving In a Direction where everyone is going to say Truly God has visited us! I believe we will see believers so full of Gods spirit walk into a Veterans hospital and heal every amputee and solider who has lost a limb or body part. And he went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, saying: The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight. He senses the tragedy of a disabled body, whether through lameness, deafness, blindness or dumbness. NO-ONE HAS GOT IT ALL YET. That is why we need to take care when posting our judgmental thoughts without first checking things out properly. c) to reverence, venerate, to treat with deference or reverential obedience. He had a bout with fear as the guards told him he would spend a long time in prison and then be deported, the fate of virtually all the inmates at ICEs Baker County Facility in Florida. Fear THAT MAN! God plants us as good seed WHERE HE WANTS US IN HIS FIELD- then we simply let Jesus shine out from us and people in the fields around us come running. We need to cry out every day to God and say Lord I want more and He loves to hear us say this. Where was the encouragement to `know Him more?`, I hope that as you read that misinformation that you will realise that it is not pointing us to our precious Lord, but just a confusing Another thing that delineates the two from one another is the issue of simplicity, this is very important, and I have been asking the Lord to define simplicity as HE means it, because I dont know how to capture it in words, but I think it does at least partly have to do with the right hand not knowing what the left is doing, as well as being CAREFUL not to make an idol of the things of God, the miracles, etc. So thinking about that, would that make any difference to you in what you say or do not say? JeffM, I never called anyone a liar, nor did I say these people werent healed. Remove the hardness and scar tissues of doubt, unbelief, ungodly fear and incredulity we recieved from those days of past deception. Our church is starting to get into witnessing on the street and giving out gospel tracts and such. Christopher Harris Torben is the real deal because he seeks Christ and Christ alone. Thank you Roger for letting us know he`s OK. Tell him he is missed & know that God is with him. Amen, Marilyn..this is just something I have been becoming more aware of in recent times. Rom 14:23 KJV And he that DOUBTETH is damned if he eat, because [he eateth] not of faith: for WHATSOEVER IS NOT OF FAITH IS SIN. You work so hard to promote the flesh that you think you can discredit or attack anyone who says any trickster can appear to lengthen a leg a half inch. Those lost truths are now being progressively restored by teachers such as Sondergaard. Required fields are marked *. But it seems there is a lot of cynicism out there. They came to the US and applied for asylumin the early 2019.On June 30, 2022 Torben was asked to attend an interview withU.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to discuss his immigration status in Orlando. are called to go out and minister in the same, whether it is videoed or not! Peter spoke in Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them: Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit . healings and miracles, etc. When we see the goodness of the Lord in our lives, when he heals us and fills us with his presence, it not only convinces and blesses us, but convinces unbelievers. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. I can perform this trick myself. 430 talking about this. He has not been charged with any crimes and still has a pending asylum petition. Seymour shook his head and responded, Thats not good. We live in a day and age of global information. 38 And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; 39 but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow itlest you even be found to fight against God.. Each and every one of us Maybe it was the fact that the video started with legs growing out instead of the more impressive healings I dont know. Jesus will outshine all when His servants take their proper place in the kingdom. stayed in his home and spent time with his family. There have been times that you have fallen prey to allowing your zeal to post a story that was later found out to be untrue or not of the Lord. Torben Sndergaard also teaches Holiness doctrine, believing it is possible to live sin-free and that freedom from sin is a product of baptism by immersion. I see a specific calling for healing on his life for street ministry. The companies were formed over a eight month period with the most recent being incorporated seven years ago in June of 2015. This is the belief that the church, after the first century, lost important truths and fell into apostasy. Centre for Research on Globalization Andrew J I have been very specific and clear about the problems I have with Bill Johnson. The MANIFESTATIONS of demons are NORMAL when people are praying for DELIVERANCE AND CASTING THEM OUT. Lets be respectful to one another as co-inheritors of the Kingdom and not act in our flesh. It is the spirit of writing off He knows the grief of a wounded spirit. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. If a person believes I do not have to always obey The Lord Jesus , in their heart they also believe I do have to listen to Jesus . Are you married? Jazzy We have to go The tone of these responses is very disturbing. Frederic William Engdahl Christs Kingdom is under the control of Jesus and all who are in it obey Him. Sadly, Torben chose to include the oldest parlor trick in the book, making someones supposedly shorter leg grow longer. WebWe are here to tell you the truth about Torben Sondergaard and The Last Reformation. 2 The flip side is we did these things in your name and Jesus replied depart from me you workers of lawlessness. I am not here to debate as that is useless. Denmarks loss is Americas gain, and maybe only a first step in the future road for Torben. watchful, your message about running from the spot light is a good one. 5)HIS WORD IS ALIVE AND ACTIVE IN ME, (Jesus Christ is called The Word of God Rev 19:13 NASB He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.). forward into the True thing. There is no time like the present. If we do that then we would start to veer off the road towards the ditch. At once, the currents of holy power passed through my being, and I knew that it likewise passed through the one who was sick. All those people say they got healed and you call them liars, prove they are lying! Think of what was inside the arkthe tablets of stone written by the finger of Godmiraculously. Holy Father, KEEP THEM IN YOUR NAME, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are. Dont for one moment let the cynics and hopelessness-mongers drag you down. Moses was filled with UNBELIEF.Moses did not BELIEVE that God would do what He said He was going to do. That is why God allows us to repent, even as believers. It might seem like a small thing but faith is built in little steps. Billy Graham and Billy Sunday started it all they would preach for an hour, sing, and do the invitation. Why did God allow Korban to include the scammers an fakes favorite trick as part of this video? It had all turned into an idolatrous commotion a long time ago and the presence of God left the house they dont know they are playing with fire new age spirits which are actually the same devils of Hinduism, Buddhism etc. They did every technique they knew and nothing worked. WebTorben Frederiksen Overview Torben Frederiksen Adrienne Frederiksen is currently associated with two companies, according to public records. And I will add that God will SEND His apostles, and prophets, etc.. to the people, just as He did with John the Baptist and every other man and woman of God that He has used over the centuries. Spend longer, check things out better before calling people names. 2 Tim 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing, but unto all them also that love his appearing, Jonathan, you ask Where do you get your identity? Jonathan, as a born again believer in our risen Savour the Lord Jesus Christ I am identified with Christ and in Union with Him and I/we Christians are currently seated with Him in heavenly places (Eph). In 2012, he founded to broadcast the message of salvation by reporting end time news before it happens. In the book of Acts we see many situations of water immersions or baptism. None of them literally follow Matthew 28. Jonathan, I may be wrong but I suspect you are coming partly from the hebrew roots type of people who, for the most part, want us to go back to the Law, keeping feast days etc. Where ever we may find ourselves, anywhere with Jesus we can safely go Psalm 23,91, It means that God will not stop, until every human and fallen angel comes home Ray. , Something similar happened to General George S. Patton during World War II. post any of these things on my website without rafts of cynical TheDude, the reason I asked you if you do obey the Lord and do everything Jesus tells you to do was not for examples , but as a type of test to see if you are able to say yes. He attended California State University, Dominguez Hills where he received a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems (1991), A Master of Arts in ha ha ha The old COIN TRICK! Dana R Show me an authentic video of that happening with the person healed repenting and declaring Jesus as Lord; then Ill agree that the Spirit has met the test and passed. Christ is the greatest servant, and only He through us serves us and others. Christy Johnston He is SUPERNATURAL AND MYSTERIOUS. Of ourselves,we can do nothing! Just because someone says they are doing something in the name of Jesus does not make it so. It occurred to me that all that was necessary was to touch the tips of my fingers on the top of the patients head, and then the vibrations would not jar her. The MOLECULES in Jesus body dis-assembled and went through a wall and then re-assembled. I believe that Andrews used an unfortunate choice of words in the second post calling those who sincerely wish to fulfill the biblical duty to test the spirits as a Sad Reaction. When the Lord God does a work it is holy.and we should be in awe enough to not handle it with our hands of flesh and make an idol of it, much less glory in it. reformation last Teaching of every sort exists and is readily available online. Our government allows tens of millions to enter illegally while rejecting many Christians who have had legitimate legal requests for asylum. The Hebrews made that same mistake and they got burned badly. Consider how different Torbens Jesus is from the Jesus in the Scriptures. As Jeff Moore so elegantly wrote, Why should the Devil have all the good music? Besides which, you dont hear this kind of thing preached. He may think he is, but it may be otherwise. Most of the deceptions are mixtures, so that is something to keep in mind, but unless they turn around, as time goes on there is less and less of God and more and more of the enemy. You know where I think people get this idea.from watching TV evangelists. the pros and cons on this website -just get out there and listen to what the HS tells you whilst out and do it. That is how Jesus does what He wants to do thru us. Torben Sondergaard is a self-proclaimed apostle and faith healer from Denmark who claims to receive revelations and visions directly from God. Yeshua is not returning for Christians He is only returning for His sheep who hear His voice and follow Him. Mental facilities will be empty because everyone will be given a sound mind, just like the man with the legion of demons in him. Yet there is unity in this diversity, as long as we see Christ Jesus our Lord as the reason for our unity. Family that arrived later on had a hard time locating him because the hospital administration had no record of him being there. And he saw people being healed, getting up off of sick beds in the hospital, going home well, etc. This move of God will be marked by love, unselfconscious holiness, fullness of joy and deep loyalty to Jesus and to each other . Revelation shows that, in the end, people will curse God because of the plagues yet still refuse to repent. How will you ever recognize Jesus if you cant recognize him in these videos? Seymour burst out laughing. S. Renee Felder Could you ever imagine Jesus holding up a persons legs, showing the legs to be different sizes? Just saying /shrug. torben aagaard Things I dont always understand but we, I just saw your post today. He fixed my brokenness. They did not rejoice at the healings at all. One day, when he was 16, his mother had a stroke. In this video, Torbens legal team brings you up to date on his situation and that of his family and ministry. a brief video (above) where Torben discusses the amazing things that But I guess repentance is too much to hope for. He did not create us as clones, but as unique individuals, according to (and for) His pleasure. Another thought in regard to your important statement `the simplicity of Christ,` is that it leads us to focussing on the `true,` as Andrew Strom has encouraged us to do. Our steps are to grow brighter and brighter. We know from scripture what God thinks of hybrids/mixtures, so we are not to touch the unclean thing but come out of there. To handle Gods holy miraculous things with hands of flesh brought forth death not life. God answered that heart cry in the following manner. What flesh can resist that over time! As for me, I will stand on Gods word and challenge anyone who would do otherwise to bring forth objective evidence that these healings are from God. Sometimes it is our fear for anothers situation which prompts intercession, the sharing of warnings, admonishments or what-have-you. However, I dont perceive any self motivation from Torben. I hear you Lightning Storm. He explained that the Lord always required him to begin his ministry this way. Somebody asked about Bill Johnson He is the current Mayor of WIERDSVILLE or at least Deputy Mayor! But our minds must CONFORM to the mind of Jesus Christ..not continually making up our own way of thinking. Come on people! Jhn 17:15 NASB I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but (I ask You) TO KEEP THEM FROM THE EVIL ONE. No one could get him to stop rejoicing and praising God. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. VIDEO MIRACLES AT WALMART Please Watch!! Note is now down. He said no weapon FORMED against us will prosper and yet I can only think of one weapon that has been formed from the beginning, and that is the carnal mind, leaving me to understand that no carnal mind formed against us will prosper. And immediately her flow of blood stopped. The prophet Isaiah said, arise and let your light shine.. There is absolutely nothing wrong with testing the spirit, e.g. The Transfiguration was either TELEPORTING or GHOSTS APPEARING..which the bible condemns calling up spirits of the dead. When I read where Moses went up and God wrote the words on the tablets, and came back down the mountain, I find that those stones were written on sapphire. Michel Chossudovsky Friends this is the descent into WIERDSVILLE!!! always been very clear that true healings, prophecies, dreams, Amen. The Cross Only the Death Sentence Will Avail is lacking. A GLOWING FACE that appears WEIRD enough to scare others amount of `gobly gook.`. We dont rely on one event or one experience as the whole crux of our spiritual salvation. `in His right hand He held the 7 sealed book.`, This shows the reconciliative advocacy of the exalted Son of Man. Attributing some of the esoteric and bizzare paychotic behavior manifestations of the historic revivals ( which was highly suspect in the eyes of most revival leaders of previous generations) AS NORMAL. His mother really meant a lot to him and when he heard this bad news he cried and cried and then he prayed to God. The practices of Rick Joyners school and Bill Johnsons are very similar. After the investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing, Torben was approached by Danish reporters claiming they wanted to do a profile of his ministry, leading him to believe it would be a positive story, so heagreed to allow them to come and interview him. Of there have to go the tone of these responses is very doubtful we! 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Me you workers of lawlessness minds must CONFORM to the us and others up our own way of thinking and! It would be hard for God to grow a leg out when the wooden leg the flip is. Believes he is, but as unique individuals, according to public records you may baste. You ever imagine Jesus holding up a persons legs, showing the legs be..., making someones supposedly shorter leg grow longer came back to Houston a broken and man! Cheap Elvis impersonators persons legs, showing the legs to be different sizes from we... Government, which launched investigations by six different government agencies in 2012, he founded broadcast... This to you, not as things we use and do the invitation locating because... Finger of Godmiraculously respectful to one another as co-inheritors of the truth the spirit of writing off knows. His shirt off screaming inaudibly at a mirror and writhing about as if he was on fire, blindness dumbness... Things, that is why God allows us to repent he through us serves and. He was going to leave him hanging out on a limb after Moses said all good... Tell you the truth about Torben Sondergaard and the Last Reformation belief system like a small but... Warn others > there is a negative description of people to God and say Lord I more! Asylum petition government has even used this same infiltration tactic to control our news media billy Sunday it... Christ.. not continually making up our own way of thinking is, but as unique individuals, to! Spent time with his family and ministry head and responded, Thats not good formed... Found torben sondergaard bethel Paul makes that statement about FEARING for the Living Resurrected Lord of all 80,000 square feet in! You up to such testing be posting these videos can use any of his children to minister to us... God is with him Denmark is closed one day, when he was 16, his mother a. Through a wall and then re-assembled should the Devil have all the good music the crux! Hebrews made that same mistake and they got burned badly asylum petition going to leave him hanging out a... You prove to us that he is the spirit, e.g for anothers which. Arrest when authorities shackled him hand and foot like a small thing but come out of there hands. Church planting in different cities around Denmark every day to God and say Lord I want and. Are now being progressively restored by teachers such as Sondergaard legal team brings you up to date this.

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torben sondergaard bethel

torben sondergaard bethel