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April 3, 1986: The Lister Hill Center for Health Policy and the Center for Nuclear Imaging Research were established by The University of Alabama Board of Trustees. Flowers became the first African American to win a gold medal in a Winter Olympic event. September 1888: The Daughters of the United Charities established a hospital board and began plans for The Hospital of the United Charities. April 30, 2012: Dr. Linda C. Lucas, who had served as Interim Provost since May of 2011, was named Provost of UAB. March 29, 1968: Dr. Samuel B. Barker delivered the fifth Distinguished Faculty Lecture, "Perspectives.". Formerly the offensive coordinator at the University of Arkansas, the Oklahoma native had been a quarterback at the University of Oklahoma. 1978: Howard G. Hawk became the first UAB student named as a Truman Scholar. Martine Rothblatt is Chairman & CEO of United Therapeutics, a biotechnology company she started to save the life of one of her daughters. Mrs. Heersink splits her time between Dothan andVelp, The Netherlands, where the couple renovated a 16th-century castle in collaboration with a historical preservation foundation. October 7, 2000: Herman Frazier became UAB's second Director of Athletics. Members of the Board of Directors include: During the meetings of the Board of Directors, rules shall apply to all public comment. January 1992: James A. Lee was named acting administrator of University Hospital. "Catch the Spirit" was the theme for the week's festivities. 2008: The Southeast Biosafety Laboratory Alabama Birmingham Building (SEBLAB) was completed as UAB's level-3 biosafety facility. 1997: Research grants and extramural funding in the School of Optometry exceeded $27 million, the largest amount for any optometry school or college in the world. September 1970: Dean Henry B. Peters announced the appointment of the first academic faculty for the one-year old School of Optometry. 15 nationally among public universities, No. The project, which is due to be completed by the end of the year, was initiated because UAB and the United Soccer League (USL) have agreed for the Birmingham Legion, the citys new professional soccer team, to begin play at the UAB facility starting in March 2019. June 1976: Dr. Joseph F. Volker was named the first chancellor of the three-campus University of Alabama System. November 4, 1982: The Betty LeRoy Davis Outpatient Clinic was dedicated in University Hospital. Dr. James E. McLean served as the first director. 1999: The AIDS Vaccine Evaluation Unit (AVEU) became the first evaluation unit to enter a Phase III trail of an AIDS vaccine. January 1956: A student-approved constitution for the "Student Government Association of the University of Alabama, Birmingham Center" went into effect following approval by the president of the University of Alabama. May 2009: UAB received an anonymous gift of $5 million to be used chiefly for scholarships for women or minorities. March 25, 2016: Jerod Haase left UAB when he was hired as the head basketball coach of the Stanford Cardinal. Dr. William F. Bridgers was the center's first director. In 2016 the workforce program received a $6 million grant to train un- or under-employed young adults for high-demand information technology careers. 1945: Dr. Melson Barfield-Carter became chair of the Department of Radiology. 1983: UAB ranked 24th out of 396 institutions in the amount of funding received for research from the National Institutes of Health. He served in that capacity until 1996. November 9, 1977: UAB joined the Sun Belt Conference. 1990: Dr. Victor J. Matukas was named fifth dean of the School of Dentistry after having served as interim dean since November 16, 1989. UAB was one of 418 institutions to score the maximum in the areas of: LGBTQ patient-centered care; LGBTQ patient services and support, employee benefits, and policies; and LGBTQ patient and community engagement. January 1988: In response to the growing AIDS epidemic, the 1917 Clinic was opened at UAB. Camp, Jr., was elected to the University of Alabama Board of Trustees. March 8, 1971: Dr. Walter B. Frommeyer delivered the eighth Distinguished Faculty Lecture, "A Physician's Prayer.". Fourth year student Myron A. Levine was editor of the yearbook. March 7, 1894: The Birmingham Dental College held its first commencement ceremony at Seal's Music Hall. 1979: Center for Nursing Research was established. September 7, 1965: Barbara Walker became the first African American student in the University Hospital School of Nursing, the hospital-based diploma program. A native of South Africa, Dr. Hirschowitz was the first international named as divisional director at the Birmingham medical school. Some 2,083 students participated in the universitys newest tradition. Dr. Watts remained chair of the Institutes board of directors while a search was being conducted for a replacement. December 8, 2010: Dr. Edward E. Partridge delivered the forty-seventh Distinguished Faculty Lecture, Civil War, Civil Rights and the New Moral Imperative: Leadership of a Different Color.. July 14, 2000: Ground was broken for the North Pavilion, a major addition and replacement facility for University Hospital. This was the first time UAB had passed $500 million in funding for a 12-month reporting period. In addition, Mrs. Battle is active in fundraising activities for UABs efforts to develop more effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. 1978: The Medical Education Building opened. April 1987: Eugenia "Jeannie" Milling became the fourth head coach of the Women's Basketball team. In 2003 the FBI would arrest an individual for the bombing of the clinic and for the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1996. June 30, 1992: Center for Psychiatric Medicine was dedicated. He graduated from his medical school with his medical degree in 1994. October 9, 1960: The Psychiatric Clinic was dedicated. August 1, 1982: Dr. Thomas A. Bartlett became the second chancellor of the three-campus University of Alabama System. January 22, 1987: Parkinson's Disease Association Information and Referral Center, established in 1986, was approved by The University of Alabama Board of Trustees. November 9, 2002: The University of Alabama Board of Trustees approved the creation of the Alabama Institute of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Dr. Dohlstrom was the first male appointed to the Tuscaloosa nursing school faculty. August 1, 2003: Dr. James B. McClintock became interim dean of the UAB Graduate School. April 30/May 1, 2021: Because of the continuing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, UAB held outdoor commencement ceremonies at Birminghams Legion Field, the first time at that venue and the first outdoor ceremony in UAB history. Champ Lyons delivered the second Distinguished Faculty Lecture, "Some Surgical Aspects of the Stroke Problem.". April 6, 2016: Robert "Rob" Ehsan was announced as the sixth Head Coach of men's basketball just nine days after being named as interim. 1990: Alabama's first use of single-fiber arthroscope for monitoring the treatment of arthritis occurred at University Hospital. December 1945: Highlights of Jefferson-Hillman Hospital, a news sheet for hospital staff, was first published. January 17, 1976: The Medical and Dental Basic Science Building and Dental Clinic was rededicated as the School of Dentistry Building. 2016: UAB installed the largest solar-energy system in Birmingham atop the Campus Recreation Center. April 1, 2017: Dr. John R. Jones, III, vice president for Student Affairs, became UAB's interim provost. 1911: Dr. George H. Denny became president of The University of Alabama and served until 1936. The reagent they developed was licensed to Calbiochem for US and international sales. University Hospital House Staff from 1945. 1981: Bob Norman became the second head coach of the Men's Soccer team. January 28, 1989: ESPN televised the mens home basketball game against UNC-Charlotte, the first national athletics broadcast from the UAB campus. January 23, 2016: The Men's Basketball team defeated North Texas 78-57 in Bartow Arena to set a UAB school record of consecutive wins (at 14). November 1974: Physical Education Facility opened. June 29, 2020: Governor Kay Ivey announced programs to provide COVID-19 testing and symptom monitoring for the state's public higher education institutions. August 2002: Dr. Mary G. Nash became the third Executive Director of University Hospital, the first woman and the first person with a nursing background to be named hospital director. In 1969 UAB became an independent institution, one of the autonomous universities within the newly created three-campus University of Alabama System. January 30, 1860: Act No. Vera Bruhn was elected first president of the auxiliary. His appointment had been announced in May. UABs first Bachelor of Science degree in public health was awarded and, for the first time the programs history, UAB honored newly commissioned officers from the Air Force and Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). Members of the 2021 Board of Directors: David J. Breen Chair, Board of Directors Retired Partner, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, L.L.P. Dr. Terry L. Hickey was the center's first director. June 12, 2006: Brian Shoop became the fourth head coach of the Men's Baseball team. June 3, 1990: At the 20th annual commencement, UAB recognized the schools 50,000th graduate, Michelle Hight who received a bachelors degree in marketing. The marble statue was carved by sculptor Ugo Sordelli, November 13, 1992: Dr. Jiri F. Mestecky delivered the twenty-ninth Distinguished Faculty Lecture, "New Challenges and New Prospects for Vaccines.". Ingram, who played football for the Tennessee Volunteers, came to UAB from Temple University. January 27, 1979: UAB gained full membership as an NCAA Division I athletics program. October 19, 1971: The Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences was dedicated and named in honor of Alabama's long-time former Senator Lister Hill. December 12, 1996: The University of Alabama Board of Trustees approved the renaming of buildings in honor of Gene Bartow and of Drs. October 2000: The Department of Medicine passed its goal of $100 million in research funding, maintaining a national ranking of fourth in support from the National Institutes of Health . 1995: The Offices of Vice President for Health Affairs and Vice President for Academic Affairs were abolished and replaced by a new Provost's Office. August 18, 2017: A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held to dedicate the UAB Football Operations Center and the Legacy Pavilion. December 12, 2009: For the first time, the UAB commencement ceremony was streamed live via the internet. March 20, 1998: The University of Alabama Board of Trustees approved the Chemoprevention Center with Dr. Clinton J. Grubbs as first director. Dr. John L. Shuster was named director of the new center. The faculty advisor was Dr. Sherrill Martin, department of Performing Arts. June 5, 1988: R. Kent Oestenstad received a PhD in Environmental Health Sciences, the first PhD awarded by the School of Public Health. She recently retired from Eli Lilly and Co. as Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Distinguished Lilly Research Scholar in Infectious Diseases. 1995: Physical Sciences Building was renamed the Chemistry Building. Edward Abraham, Jayne N. Ness, and Kevin A. Roth, respectively, were named directors of the three centers. January 1, 1984: Dr. James H. Woodward, Jr., became third vice president for University College; he served until June 1989 when the office was renamed Academic Affairs. 1963: Extramural grants and contracts at the Medical Center totaled $3,888,514. Prior to Onyx, Dr. Love served as president, chief executive officer and chairman of Nuvelo, Inc., where he led growth of the company to a market capitalization of $1 billion. January 1, 2004: Dr. Huw F. Thomas became the seventh dean of the School of Dentistry. September 14, 1994: Construction began on a major expansion of the Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences. May 1986: UAB acquired the Mary Lewis Convalescent Home, a 45-bed facility. Hood became the first African American students of The University of Alabama. Dr. Jorge I. de la Torre was named director of the new center. May 20, 2011: Dr. Michael S. Reddy was named as interim dean of the School of Dentistry, to be effective on June 6, 2011. 2009: The UAB National Alumni Society hosted the first Uncork Education event, a food, wine, and beer event that raised funds for student scholarships. He is active in the LGBT community as a human rights and AIDS awareness activist. Dr. Thomas M. Allen was the college's first dean. Beatrice H. Hahn, George M. Shaw, and Feng Gao announced the discovery of the origin of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1), the virus that causes AIDS in humans. Dr. Greenberg is the author of more than 300 peer-reviewed publications addressing seminal discoveries in viral genetics, immunology, immunopathogenesis, clinical epidemiology and vaccinology. UAB is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer committed to fostering a diverse, equitable and family-friendly environment in which all faculty and staff can excel and achieve work/life balance irrespective of race, national origin, age, genetic or family medical history, gender, faith, gender identity and expression as well as sexual orientation. The play was adapted by Karma Ibsen to be set in the Antebellum South. September 13, 1991: Peter L. Lowe and Maury D. Smith were elected to the University of Alabama Board of Trustees. September 1, 1973: Charles G. Jamerson was appointed to the faculty of the School of Business as an assistant professor in the Center for Labor Education and Research, becoming the first African American faculty member of the business school. 1982: Laboratory for Special Cancer Research opened at 550 South 11th Street. Hettie Butler Terry Community Service Award, Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Initiative, Board of Directors Details and Eligibility, Understand and promote the organization's mission, Gain a working knowledge of the organization's programs, services and delivery models, Be a working member of at least one committee or work group annually, Assist in membership development and advocate for the organization, Actively participate in board meetings and annual meeting, Attend and actively participate in at least 50% of board meetings in a 12 month period, 4 board meetings annually usually in February/March, May, August and December, Committee/work group - 1-3 hours per month or as needed, Board meeting materials will be sent out for review prior to the meeting, 2022 The University of Alabama at Birmingham. July 30, 1968: Symbolic groundbreaking was held for Medical Center Library, School of Nursing, and Basic Health Sciences buildings. Dr. Thomas E. Terndrup was the center's first director. June 26, 1998: The Center for Community Outreach Development and the Southeast Center for Excellence in Geriatric Medicine were approved by The University of Alabama Board of Trustees. December 11, 1992: Sidney L. McDonald was elected to the University of Alabama Board of Trustees. June 2, 1987: School of Community and Allied Health was renamed the School of Health Related Professions, Dr. Keith D. Blayney remained as dean. UAB also encourages applications from individuals with disabilities and veterans. 1985: UAB's former home of the Alabama Ballet became home to the new honors program and was renamed as the UAB Honors House. November 1, 2005: Dr. Bryan D. Noe became the dean of the UAB Graduate School. degree from the University of Louisville and a B.S. August 9, 1962: Groundbreaking was held for the Engineering Building. October 28, 2003: Dr. J. Russell Lindsey presented the fortieth Distinguished Faculty Lecture, A Celebration of Family.. 1902: Dr. John W. Abercrombie became president of The University of Alabama and served until 1911. December 5, 1985: The Center for Macromolecular Crystallography and the Sleep/Wake Disorders Center were approved by The University of Alabama Board of Trustees. January 1, 2002: William E. Smith, Jr., became the second chair of the UAB Health System Managing Board. The Town and Gown Theatre production starred local dentist Dr. John W. Nixon and television personality Everett Strickland. 1991: UAB MedWise, an outreach program for senior citizens, was established with George Mickwee as the program's founding director. January 13, 1978: In a campus-wide election, students, faculty, and staff voted to name all intercollegiate athletic teams the UAB Blazers. January 6, 1996: UAB's new mascot -- the university's fourth official mascot -- Blaze the dragon made its first public appearance during a basketball game at the UAB Arena. January 3, 2014: UAB Campus Ride and Campus Escort services were discontinued. September 25, 2017: A ribbon-cutting ceremony opened the new UAB Meadow Classroom in a 1,500 acre wooded area within Birminghams Red Mountain Park. 1978: Susan Cook became the first head coach of the new Women's Volleyball team. October 19, 1971: Sarah Cole Brown, who had served as chief librarian since 1955, became first director of the new Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences. The garden was funded by the son of Mrs. Eppes. The college opened for instruction that fall. An Alabama native and former head coach at the University of Indiana, Davis brought to UAB a 115-79 record as Indiana's head coach. Dr. Arthur H. Wuehrmann served as acting dean of the dental school during Volker's absence. degree in Medicine from The University of Alabama, thus becoming the first female to graduate from the medical school. January 21, 1981: Alabama Congenital Heart Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Center was established with Dr. John W. Kirklin as director. August 2006: Hixson Hall, an on-campus residence that had opened in 1962, was closed while the future of the building was being determined by UAB administrators. Named in honor of a city pediatrician and chair of the countys board of health, the new polio ward was located on the fourth floor of the Hillman building. July 1, 2007: Barnes & Noble took over management of the UAB Bookstore located in the Hill University Center. 1973: The Diabetes Research and Training Center was established with Dr. William J. Reddy as first director. Several of the schools initial faculty held primary appointments in the medical school but also taught basic science courses to the first dental students. She also facilitates expressive writing work. October 27, 1978: The Center for Advanced Medical Studies (CAMS) was approved by The University of Alabama Board of Trustees as an official UAB Center. December 2020: UAB adopted the Okanagan Charter, becoming the first higher education institution in the US to adopt the charter and become a member of the Health Promoting Campuses Network. June 1976: Dr. George W. Campbell, vice president for University College, was named acting president of UAB. March 2011: Dr. Rodney W. Nowakowski was named asthe fifth dean of the School of Optometry. March 8, 1989: Dr. Juan M. Navia became acting dean of the School of Public Health. June 5, 1990: Groundbreaking was held for the Bevill Biomedical Research Building. 1989: The UAB National Alumni Society celebrated its 10th anniversary with a sold-out Homecoming Gala featuring music by the Tams, a group that had played the first ever Student Government Association-sponsored dance in 1967. November 5, 2021: The University of Alabama Board of Trustees approved the renaming of UAB's on-campus soccer field as PNC Field. 1988: Tony Ianuzzi became the head coach of the Men's Tennis team. The system includes clinics, an eye hospital and affiliations with other . Dr. Kathleen Faircloth was the faculty advisor for the new student group. August 1, 1971: Effective on this date, the College of General Studies was reorganized as University College, an academic entity consisting of four academic schools: Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, and Engineering. Completed as UAB 's second director of the United Charities Arkansas, the 1917 Clinic was opened at South... 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uab hospital board of directors

uab hospital board of directors