kentucky cps corruption 2020bike world tv presenters

Will we make the same mistake today? They are just going off what the corrupt doctor said! Congratulations Schulkers for asserting your rights against what has become an unmanageable part of our Govt persons rights are diminished regularly by the Cabinet based upon untruthsgreat job Paul Hill onward and upward for justice! All rights reserved. See the NKyTribunes earlier story about Holly and David Schulkers here for details. A Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruling was cause for celebration at the Fort Thomas home of Holly and David Schulkers and five of their children, as the court ruled in their favor in a lawsuit against individual social workers for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. I am just so happy their hard work will help so many other parents too keep their kids! Criminal penalties levied against corporate bodies for corruption offences have included a $16.8m penalty under the first DPA in the UK (ICBC Standard Bank), together with payments of $6m in compensation and a $8.4m disgorgement of profits. You Care. The CPS is a joke and does not have kids best interest at heart. My son and grandchildren have been removed for 9 months now. The video footage then clearly shows that the mother in this case had no true representation in family court. I still do not have my four children to this day! Buyer Beware, Update: The Federal Government (Satan Soldiers) On Thursday Extended Its COVID-19 Emergency for Another 90 Days Despite President Joe Bidens Declaring the Pandemic Over Weeks Earlier. Although the Fosters can see no reason why this information is even relevant to the case, it seems to them be the delay the prosecuting attorney is using to postpone hearings, Adams contends that the case cannot be adjudicated until paternity is established. Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. They take my moms story, and Baileys initial statement made as a fact. The children are white and prime adoption age. SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! 7, and California rises to No. I have been trying to figure it out for 2 years now. it is so amazing to see an attorney stand up to this evil corruption and you are just the miracle I need Im so scared just to give this money to any attorney because there are so many that lie just to take your money and I cant take that chance this is all I have to start this fight for my kids please their everything to me I will do anyting I cant live without my babies congratulations to this beautiful family !! Enter social workers and Hollys nightmare. 3 weeks after Leeanns arrest, Danny was arrested. According to this anonymous Kentucky mother, her case plan was dragged on for 3 years so that her daughter would fully bond with the foster family and not with her, the birth mother. In my case, the judge ordered a slew of services, including a psychiatric evaluation, substance abuse treatment, trauma-based therapy, parenting classes, random hair and urine drug screens, and family therapy, all to be completed maintaining stable housing, income, and paying child support. This bonding with the foster family would then be used as the reason to allow the adoption to proceed, not because the birth mother was unfit or negligent, but because her daughter, who was removed as a baby, had now bonded to another family! I had her for 8 months and she was happy. Could this also explain why we hear comments that some social workers will allegedly leave truly abused children with families simply because theyre un-adoptable, but remove the ones who are apparently in loving homes with caring parents simply because they are adoptable? Should have never happened. FREEDOM Records supporting parents seem to disappear. They also reveal conflicts of interest between case workers and foster parents who may be related to the case worker placing the child into the foster home. Again, Sheri expressed her concerns about Danica living with Sonya, but was allegedly told that she was not an option for placement because she lived in Florida, and that if Danica did not live with Sonya, DCBS only other option for placement was foster care. Now a jury. 0. Leeann offered to take a lie detector test, but they would not give her one. We didnt want this to happen to other people. Children lives matter and they need someone to stand up and fight for them. Leeann had no idea that the accusations of abuse were made against her and Danny, and her mind raced with questions about who had abused her children during the 3 weeks that they had been with their grandmother. Leeann expresses her fears: There has been no investigation into the truth. Exposing CPS Corruption in not only the US, but all over the world. What a blessing and Im so happy you have your family back together again and pray to God this never ever happens to you or any families! After 3 weeks of the girls being at Sonyas home, Leeann began to suspect during their phone calls that her mother was drinking again, and decided to end the summer visit early. She then explains that CPS came after them also, removing their own adopteddaughter from their home. Notes: - CPS runs on a quota/bonus incentive system; the more children are removed from their parents, the more funding CPS gets. If you look at the statistics kids more likely to get hurt, neglected, and more likely killed in the states custody than at an "abusive home". Your email address will not be published. In his next investigative report, reporter John Boel explains that one of the motivations for the State to remove children from parents even when parents have done nothing to warrant such a removal, is to receive federal reimbursement funds for the adoption program. I do not know what to do. Results in Children Kidnapped Names Slandered in Local Media Lives Ruined, Vermont Teen Drugged Against Her Will, Held in Custody in Massachusetts Mental Health Facility. Before this happened to me, I had always believed that if someone was arrested, they were guilty. CPS tried to over-rule her decision to oppose the adoption and push it through quickly. And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. (Joel 2:28. Tearing my family apart seems to mean nothing to my Small Town. We thought we would have all this thrown out and we would have the kids back! Photo supplied by family. The lawsuit involves the social workers mishandling of the drug test of a new moms urine sample a false positive for opiates that extended into threats of sending their children into foster care and onerous rules saying Holly could not be with her children alone in her own home. Apparently, when Sonya had taken the children to Jennie Stuart Medical, Sonya also accused Leeann of neglect, stating that the children were dirty and hungry when she got them for the summer, that both girls had lice, that Danica had diaper rash, that they were underweight, and that Bailey told Sonya that her mom locked them in cages. Sonya also accused Leeann of having a drug problem. A 2014 study by Harvard University's Center for Ethics identified Kentucky as one of the most corrupt states in the country. Boel interviewed her attorney, who stated that he believed the motivation for CPS to approve adoptions to convicted criminals was to receive federal funds available for adoptions. I wish I knew what I know now then back on the Dreadful day that changed my life October 28th 2019 I would have never spoke to that first case worker I would have never voluntarily submitted a drug test or my prescription medication list I have Lupus so I am on a couple different medications when I was just trying to cooperate and be honest and show her there was nothing to hide she was there on domestic violence allegations saying I was beat up the night before or prior to that by my fiance of 16 years and the kids he has never laid a hand on me in his life, and if a 200 pound man beat me up and Im only a hundred and twenty pounds barely and 5 foot tall I would have a black eye busted lip something right? !But more IMPORTANTLY why in the world does CPS not know how kids end up missing in their custody but when a parent honestly does not know what happen to their kid by taking them to the hospital for concerns of their sickness, doctors find God knows what and claims it's child abuse right off the bat. And when it happened that the child was going to be reunified with the parents, they called our regional office, and our regional office came down on our county and they harassed the birth parents because they did not agree with our decision. CPS Defies Doctors and Police to Take Young Children Away from Mother, Whistleblowers Reveal CPS Child Kidnappings in Kentucky Adoption Business, Destroying Families in Kentucky via State-sponsored Child Trafficking: United We Stand, Divided We Fall, Pregnant Homeschool Mom Assaulted by Sheriff as CPS Kidnaps Her Kids in Kentucky, Kentucky Baby Medically Kidnapped Along with Siblings and Forced on to Formula, Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son, Kentuckys Department of Child Based Services (DCBS), GOP senator introduces a bill that would blow up business models for Facebook, YouTube and other tech giants [Video]. Thank you, Schulkers family and Attorney Paul Hill. )' system SHOULD BE ABOLISHED AND THE CONSTITUTION FOLLOWED WITH O-V-E-R-S-I-G-H-T AND A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y!!!!!!!!!!. Everybody who consumes Pfizer products should educate themselves on the evil workings of this unscrupulous corporation. the kids were screaming and crying and she saw how scared they were! "The corrupt business of child protective services" detailed corruption in the state's Department of Family and Children Services. Copyright 2023, inc. and its licensors. Despite the fact that the Criminal Court, which relies on the highest burden of proof, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, found no evidence for an indictment, Sarah Heltsley, the DCBS social worker, informed Leeann that Family Court can and will proceed with all charges because Family Court operates on a lower level of evidence, the Preponderance of Evidence. In Jesus name !! When Sheri came for a visit in late November, she and Leeann had a supervised visit with Danica. Could it be that family reunification and kinship care are not profitable? Many other families are suffering including mine right now! Exactly why we need to start from the common law! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Kentucky Center for Public Service Journalism. There is no argument that physical and sexual child abuse is a crime, and if found guilty in a due process Criminal Court of law, that the criminals should be incarcerated. She was breastfeeding her healthy baby. In her complaint to the Ombudsman, Leeann also told him about the allegedly coerced testimony of Bailey and the alleged abuse of Bailey by Sonya that DCBS was ignoring. Money is The Root of all Evil. After 17 minutes, the judge terminates the mothers right to her children. The Sixth Circuit now says they can have a jury trial on both of those counts and that the Cabinet cannot claim qualified immunity for the social workers. Still from an actual medical kidnap (read the story here)There is great financial incentives for the States to remove children from families and place these children for adoption, for what many would call questionable allegations, false accusations, or even downright egregious violations of parental rights, basically using children as a transferable commodity to increase the States budget. This will help secure JUSTICE for many other families. Onits website, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and its family services agency, DCBS, claims to work toward family reunification: While children are in temporary foster care, the main goal of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) is to reunify the child(ren) with their birth parents as soon as the parents have received services to provide a safe and stable home. I salute Holly and David Schulkers for their courage, class, and perseverance.. They did this to hold these workers and supervisor accountable for knowingly violating their rights. No family should have to go through this kind of treatment. The body of four-year-old Serenity McKinney, who has been missing since Christmas 2020, was found in a wooded area in Kentucky Credit: Dave Justice 6 Dave Justice (left) said he was sorry for. Usually, the Lord doth no great thing for or against his people, without giving warning of it before it comes. Good for them. This is just one example of these agencies and their arrogance and under performance. They were begging crying so hard and didnt understand the little ones didnt my 12 year old kind of had a better understanding but still shes just a kid they were so scared to leave their mommy she didnt care they took them immediately they questioned my son on the porch who was 5 years old at the time and made me go inside and shut the door I dont know what she said to him or asked him but she told me if I didnt let her question him that they were taking immediate custody but for now this was just a safety plan and would go away in a couple and that my babies would come back home well they are still not home Ive lost temporary custody of my three children and I am in desperate need of help every attorney I go to, I dont know whether to retain them because each tell me different things and I dont want to pick the wrong one and make another mistake my kids need my help immediately and they need their mom now they dont understand mr. attorney Paul Hill may I contact you and speak with you regarding my case please? Even more disturbing is the fact that this mother says she was given a choice at her final TPR hearing: Willingly (under coercion) sign over custody of your daughter to the foster family and well let you keep your son, or lose both of your children.. Another discovery made in this circle of CPS corruption is a business deal between CPS and Re Family Services. We need help we are envolved in a child cps case that they are pushing adoption to the foster parents and not family . Trump's executive order signed on JUNE 24, 2020 on child welfare reform states that "The best foster care system is one that is not needed in the first place.". Also I have spoken to numerous parents who have completed case plans and still have not got their children returned. It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated. They have taken my visitation away for no reason at all. It takes only one person who has something to benefit or who seeks revenge against you to make it happen even if they have a criminal record!. The pediatrician also made excuses to avoid showing up in court to testify . 2 talking about this. Without it, our site might not function properly. We make every effort to acknowledge sources used in our news articles. They do some good thing but go way overboard with some cases! Over false allegations and a investigation report with knowingly false information on it. Keep sharing and signing!! Boel reportsthat children are often removed quickly with no evidence of parental wrong-doing, and that the State retaliates against those who try to fight back. Representative Rita Smart represents her district. They all get shut down and we get our children back !! My little girls!! Families are being abused by State CPS and Juvenile and Family Courts through out the United States of America, this is a major issue that needs to be addressed, Families that have had their civil rights violated through family court proceedings and the fact that all due process and constitutional rights are violated and manipulated by family court judges, District Attorneys, and Commissioners of The website, describes the Office of the Ombudsman: By law, this office serves as an advocate for citizens and works to ensure those seeking various public services are treated fairly. We both miss each other so very badly. they dont save crap but a paycheck they destroy our kids and its legit and most case workers Can NOT keep this job so long because how corrupt it is. And yet DCBS boastson its websitethat it is also the primary adoption agency in the state: The Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) is the primary adoption agency in Kentucky. She had no proof that my son would be in any danger if allowed to come home with me, yet she said she would get a court order to do so. It is terrifying to Leeann how Criminal Court could give them a No True Bill, and yet Family Court proceeds as if sufficient evidence is unimportant. My case plan was done for 7 months, and I became a target. There is documentation and testimony that shows Re Family Services is currently being exposed as a front that brings forward allegations of possible collusion and fraud. Im currently going through it with her. Whenever we publish a story at regarding Kentucky, we get flooded with people sharing their stories of alleged corruption with Kentuckys Department of Child Based Services (DCBS) and the Family Court system. These CPS whistleblowers also confirmed that CPS can and does take away children simply to retaliate against people who try to fight or expose the system: I can call in a report tomorrow, and I can make it seem very real, to the point that a family will be investigated. For almost 2 weeks, she was detained without access to a phone call, and she was continually being offered plea bargains by her defense attorney if she would testify against Danny. Health Impact Newsand haspreviously reportedhow the FBI saying that Kentucky is the most corrupt state in the country, and urged families to share their stories involving alleged corruption in their dealings with Child Protective Services (CPS), or the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS), as it is known in Kentucky. IF CPS IS SUPPOSE TO BE PROTECTORS OF THE CHILDREN THEN Why is a Child more likely to be abuse in their custody than at an abusive home?Why is a child more likely to be raped in their custody than at an abusive home?The list can go on! Leeann never could have imagined the nightmare that was about to unfold when her own mother would make allegations that she and Danny had sexually abused their own daughters. .We want to get back to our normal lives, even as we are healthy at home with six kids., Attorney Paul Hill is happy and proud, as he has become friends with David and Holly, whom he describes as the best of the best., But Hill is most proud of the legal implications of the Sixth Circuit decision which will be published and become clearly established law on the issue of qualified immunity.. WAVE3 can be contacted here. She walked out of my room, only to return in less than a minute and showed something on her phone to one of the officers. Then we have a problem and CPS needs to do a better job and be honest about what they are doing, which is being corrupt. PRESERVATION OF REASONABLE PARENTING.Nothing in this Act is intended to disrupt the family unnecessarily or to intrude inappropriately into family life, to prohibit the use of reasonable methods of parental discipline, or to prescribe a particular method of parenting.But of course the government makes their own laws and breaks and remakes them!! Boel states: While it may take weeks, months or years to take someones freedom away in a circuit court, it only takes 17 minutes to take 3 . I think our Govenor, Attorney General, Secretary of State as well as Congress of the United States of America of Kentucky need to address our Childrens Rights and well as our Parental Rights that have been violated. Help us end CPS/DCBS and family court corruption and preserve families. Help us end CPS and family court corruption | MoveOn To: The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, Governor Matt Bevin, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump Help us end CPS and family court corruption Campaign created by Kam Nesw Our Promise: Welcome to Care2, the worlds largest community for good. Without waiting for the results of that test or a second urine test and a follow-up hair follicle test, all of which were later negative for drugs, the hospital social worker entered Substance Use Disorder on Hollys chart and reported the positive drug screen electronically to the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services. After Leeann emailed the Ombudsman on December 11th, the defense attorney finally received all the DCBS paperwork, in early January of 2016. Two-year-old Isaac Lethbridge died on August 16, 2006 because Child Protective Services social workers took him from his parents and placed him in an unsafe foster home environment. Someone please help! The family you just helped is priceless and lucky to have found you. The Child Protection Branch provides consultation and state program guidance for child protective services cases. Finally, Sarah called back to inform Leeann that there would be a Family Court hearing on December 10th, and she gave dates for 2 visitations with Danica prior to the hearing. According to The National Center For Child Abuse And Neglect in 1998 reported that six times more children died in foster care than in the general public. I cooperated I did everything because I didnt have nothing to hide and I didnt know my rights or this was such an evil corrupt system! See the full Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision here. We have no previous history with Cps or any criminal records! Im currently in a situation similar to your guyss and Im going to stand up and fight as well! Kentucky is not only perceived to be illegally corrupt but also legally corrupt. They stole my three babies from me and have violated so many of my rights I have videos and recordings and different evidence to prove all my innocence and that Magistrate wouldnt even take a look at one thing oh, neither would the appointed attorney they gave me I only met him once 10 minutes before the hearing the day before and he would not present or even look at any of the evidence I had he was a joke! Kentucky CPS corruption Watch on And yet DCBS boasts on its website that it is also the primary adoption agency in the state: "The Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) is the primary adoption agency in Kentucky. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2020 HIMedia Group LLC | TLB Staff She didnt tell me where she was taking my baby, she didnt even allow me a chance to see him. Brenda reports that a well-meaning friend called CPS in Kentucky to actually help her through some difficult times, but that instead of helping, CPS allegedly took her children away, even over the objections of local police. Thats when my world fell apart. And they need to be accountable for their destruction of decent families. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rules in favor of Holly and David Schulkers in suit against social workers, Kentucky Center for Public Service Journalism, full Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision here, State eyes Northern Kentucky University as site of new state medical examiners office for the region, St. E. Healthy Headlines: How one womans quick response helped save her husbands life, Read Ready Covington challenge for children in preschool through third grade begins today. Not function properly court to testify and preserve families are suffering including mine right!... And still have not got their children returned this day good thing but go way overboard some... And Leeann had a supervised visit with Danica in late November, she and Leeann had supervised... And not family only the US, but all over the world a! Family you just helped is priceless and lucky to have found you moms story, and Baileys statement. 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kentucky cps corruption 2020

kentucky cps corruption 2020