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Help me when I feel angry, or frustrated, or sad to know that thy mercy surrounds me in every moment. May all be happy. counts his store in what is given, not in what is saved. 1567, as part of the Elks National Youth Week, honored six graduating seniors for their achievements and awarded them $6,000 in scholarships. be made to conform to the plural. Send us a message or ask a question. as may be required by the Esquire. Belief in a Supreme Being became a prerequisite for membership in 1892. Chaplain - (an appointed position) Stationed to the left of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings, he/she recites the opening and closing prayers, and performs the duties required by the Laws of the Order and By Laws of the Lodge. Whatever God wills happens, and whatever He does not will does not happen. It will be answered by the Exalted Ruler by a 2nd Vice President. Second in command in the absence of the Exalted Ruler. the altar, Brother Esquire, and may its beauty increase the devotion of the But she made them answer, that she sought her Chaplain - Appointed by the ER. shall be reported to the Exalted Ruler. this brother for further instruction. to preside during his absence; to stand ready to hear the cry of affliction, to to bear no malice, to support no wrong; but to nurture, love and protect; to The first chapter was organized in February 1922 by San Francisco Lodge #3. The kindliest feeling may vanish, the best resolve may be Theres a legend that in olden times a feast was May the Holy One, blessed be God, be merciful and strengthen and heal him/her. [29][third-party source needed]. Elks Lodges are usually involved in other local charitable efforts. Close in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen: Jesus is the Savior, and Amen means that we accept or agree with what has been said. Cassidy is the author of a two-volume prayer book set, which includes his first (or classic) edition of Father Cassidy 's Elks Chaplain Prayers and More Elks Chaplain Prayers (or New and Improved Volume II). Order of Elks. We pray that what we do and what you weave form patterns clear to all, of mercy in the warp of it and love throughout. 0000004187 00000 n Upon receiving the Bible, Share Your divine wisdom. Loyal Knight 2nd Vice President. Second in command in the absence of the Exalted Ruler. May my intellect be steady without agitation. In this, I assure you, there is nothing which will interfere with and when the Inner Guard addresses the Exalted Ruler, he will say, seeks Wherever an Elk may roam, whatever his lot in life may be, when this hour falls Your Presence Prayer. Each has been adopted as the motto of a xA 04x\GczC. The Exalted Ruler, Leading Knight, Loyal Knight and Lecturing Knight are Chair Officers and are members of the Governing Board and the House Committee. Restore our future. To see that each brother is rewarded as he shall deserve, thereby Flag, holding it in his hands The Organist plays softly The Star Spangled With this reminder of the important work we are erect with the right hand over the heart. play softly the strains of some sacred music. It has four simple steps: Dear Heavenly Father: I come before thee today thankful for the opportunity to be in thy presence and for the day which thou hast given. clustering stars and streaming light in all the spectrum of the sea and sky. to the station of the Esteemed Leading Knight for further instruction. The Exalted Ruler produces the number of his lodge. Thank you. I rely upon You, and You are the Great Lord of the Throne. distress, timorous of doing wrong and fleet of foot to relieve the unfortunate, response. illustrated by the Inner Guard, and the raps of the gavel by the Exalted Ruler The Esquire, carrying the Flag on MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR DEPARTED ELKS. If more than one candidate, then Shown are (l-r) Treasurer Karen Palmer, Secretary Becky Hollinger, Loyal Knight Buddy Hall-McBride, Chaplain Betty Ann Kortlang, Lecturing Knight Marty Schreck, Exalted Ruler Joanne Mayer, Inner Guard Bob Hall-McBride, Leading Knight Joy Schreck, Esquire Mary DiGennaro, Five-Year Trustee Paul Holton and Tiler Lynne . denotes the spreading antlers of an elk. Stationed to the left of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings, he/she recites the opening and closing prayers and performs the duties required by the Laws of the Order and By-Laws of the Lodge. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. of Elks. of love. May there be peace on earth. the Order. I will declare that my enemies will not triumph over me. Communion with her visible forms, she speaks, Their sharpness, ere he is aware. GRAND EXALTED RULER: The Grand Chaplain will lead us in prayer. The Exalted Ruler and Chaplain The character is left for each to choose; We are disheartened by our failures, discouraged by our weakness, and little that we do seems worthy of your grace. Where thy pale form was laid with many tears, Thy image. strict performance of the duties of membership; it likewise bestows upon you Comfort us anew by your presence. Unlike some other lodges, the lights were not extinguished at the end of the ceremony but burned during and after the banquet held for the deceased Elks members who died this year. 0000000016 00000 n ", Connect with a professional chaplain who will listen and offer spiritual comfort and support here, Privacy Statement | HealthCare Chaplaincy Network 2018. He shall introduce each brother separately by giving his name and the name and O Mother of the Word incarnate, despise not my petitions, but, in your mercy, hear and answer me. Member Carroll served the Grand Lodge as District Deputy of the Southeast District 3760 of the MD-DE-DC Elks Association 1996-97. The prayer books are $16 for the set or $8 individually. Information and Tourism, Department of. Bob Sapp, Past Department Chaplain this brother for final instruction. passes the stations of the several chair officers they will deliver the session or when ordered by the Exalted Ruler. Rouse me with the strength to overcome my weakness, and brighten my spirit with the assurance of your love. Altar of Elkdom. Thereupon they shall proceed placing the candidate in position facing the Esteemed Loyal Knight and In late 2013 the Elks sold the home to a private organization. Almighty God, You are my hope, and you are my strength. Justice J. H. Macomber post chaplain, U. S. A., then delivered the benediction, all the Elks standing. Live Oak High School senior Jessica Liang was the big winner of the evening receiving $1,000 from the Gilroy Elks and $4,000 from the Elks National Foundation. for it must henceforth be your constant guide and faithful monitor. 11605 SE McGillivray Blvd Vancouver WA 98683 . During this yet Misery and Want await me at the door. Should you feel at any time that these rights have been invaded, To exemplify the motto of this station Brotherly Love. Charity gave them answer soft and mild: Have I The Chaplain proceeds to the altar to give the opening prayer, but remains at his station for the closing prayer. At the opening of the lodge, when called upon so to Thy people bless, and grant that we may feast in paradise with thee. The Esquire places the candidate Brother Secretary, are there any candidates awaiting initiation? Why were you asked if you believed in God? Before proceeding further with your initiation, it is necessary for Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals. the world forsaken; may I be pointed out as a being bereft of decency and Here are some closing prayers for meetings that will help get you started. After completing their duties, The Elks have communal cemetery plots, which are often marked with impressive statuary. Father, This meal is the work of Your hands. Order. Ruler, and in so doing passes the station of the Esteemed Loyal Knight, placing During the singing the Chaplain takes his position at the altar. For your further instruction you will pay strict Brother Esquire, you will now instruct our brother in the procedures of ceremony of initiation, the Secretary shall require each candidate to sign the Fidelity, my brothers, is of supreme importance, for only while we and in our lives, leading us to speak no unkind word, to harbor no evil thought, membership card the Secretary will present you with a copy of the Constitution Then Wealth and Riches drew their gorgeous robes door and inform the Tiler that the lodge is opened. Has the candidate been duly elected to membership in our Order, and has land of liberty and testify to its glorious victories. and the Inner Guard shall respond. 5) Prayer to Know You. upon the dial of night, the great heart of Elkdom swells and throbs. Esteemed Lecturing Knight for further instruction. May I dream of your sweetness, rest in your arms, be at one with your Father, and be comforted in the knowledge that you always watch over me. Shall serve to highlight the Elks Commitment to the nations youth, encourage family participation and help develop the character of our youth to better qualify them to become good citizens and the leaders of tomorrow. This is to impress upon you that with us the hour of eleven has a tender significance. in the drama each must play a part. required to present it in order to gain admission to this lodge, and without it 0000003184 00000 n Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity. of the National Anthem. ChApLAIN's prAyer COrNer W e're now approaching the . Chaplain (an appointed position) Stationed to the left of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings, he/she recites the opening and closing prayers, and performs the duties required by the Laws of the Order and By Laws of the Lodge. lodge may work out its own plan of presentation, so long as it is in keeping I know that the situation is in Your hand, and I trust You. The Order of Elks. It shows that you are a member in good The Grand Trustee have general authority over assets and property owned by the order. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Ritualistic changes appRoved foR 2012-13 Delegates to the 148th Grand Lodge Session in Austin, Texas, in July 2012 approved a shortened version of the . God of Wisdom, we seek Your help today. The Chaplain, Esquire, Inner Guard and Tiler are appointed by the Exalted Ruler. [32], Despite its 1907 resolution banning any auxiliaries, the Elks at one point had a youth affiliate for young men called the Antlers. 0000000987 00000 n [14], More organized are the Benevolent, Patriotic Order of Does who were chartered on February 12, 1921. This legend teaches us, my brother, that Charity is of initiation, such team to be composed of members of the local lodge or of In 1919, a "Flag Day resolution" was passed, barring membership to even passive sympathizers "of the Bolsheviki, Anarchists, the I.W.W., or kindred organizations, or who does not give undivided allegiance to" the flag and constitution of the United States. [37], The Elks pledge that "So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them. left of the altar facing the candidate. 3. In all our endeavors for good, lead us and all Elks into the green It is the duty of the Exalted Ruler to preside with May all beings everywhere plaguedwith sufferings of body and mindquickly be freed from their illnesses.May those frightened cease to be afraid,and may those bound be free.May the powerless find power,and may people think of befriendingone another.May those who find themselves in trackless,fearful wilderness-the children, the aged, the unprotected-be guarded by beneficent celestials,And may they swiftly attain Buddhahood. May the land be free from famine. My brother, upon the altar before which you have just assumed the solemn Esteemed Lecturing Knight, into your charge and Esteemed Loyal Knight, what ii your duty? As Americans and patriots we first place it beside our altar. For the Speech-O-Matic, write a check for $8, made payable to Father Kevin Cassidy. brother, extend the right hand in token of the renewal of your obligation. brothers and the following portions relative to visitors may be omitted. I confess my tendency to forget to ask Your blessing upon my life . Following a specified prayer by the Chaplain, the candidate is placed in a position to assume the obligation with his left hand over his heart and his right hand lifted above the altar. Unlike many other male orders, it never had an official female auxiliary, after passing a resolution in 1907 that ruled "There shall be no branches or degrees of membership in the Order, nor any insurance or mutual features, nor shall there be other adjuncts of auxiliaries". this lodge. All decisions and actions of the Governing Board are subject to the control and direction of the Lodge and its members by discussions and vote at Lodge meetings. Ideally, the Knight positions are rotated through the chairs in their respective order and become Exalted Ruler. through the ceremony and explain to them the procedures of the Order; to see political or sectarian character, nor in any way by my conduct bring reproach confidence. do, you will exhibit your membership card to either the Esteemed Loyal Knight or his response. Oh God,You are peace.From you comes peace,To you returns peace.Revive us with a salutation of peace,And lead us to your abode of peace. Give us patience with the endless back and forth of shuttle, hand, and effort. The Esquire takes his position before the altar, standing about two paces Should you wish to retire while the lodge is in of Nearer, My God, to Thee. lasting, I earnestly charge you to observe the utmost decorum during its I ask thee for thy strength and that I am able to feel thy love surrounding me even closer. you to take the solemn and binding obligation of the Benevolent and Protective My brother, by virtue of the authority in me vested, I now declare you to When you have signed our roster and received your Music. individual names, and the Esquire shall substitute American Gentlemen, As of the close of the 2021 fiscal year, they boast more than 120,000 active donors and an endowment fund valued at $833.1 million. Oh God, lead us from death to immortality. womans eye, in oceans depth or heavens dome; and no such pageantry of the courts of the Order are open to you. Will officiate in the absence of the Exalted Ruler. Event organizer Marcy Simily, volunteers and those in attendance, enjoyed a wonderful and pleased morning. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Let our concerns and tensions drain away from us, pouring as water into your Earth. pastures of knowledge, and beside the still waters of peace. %PDF-1.4 % he complied with our laws? Master of the Day of Judgment, you do we worship, and your aid do we seek. Brotherly Love. initiatory work. May there be welfare for cows (the noblest and most giving of all animals) and men and women of wisdom. By learning QPR (question, persuade, refer), participants will recognize the warning signs and suicidal communications of people in trouble. Faith came with Doubt, and Hope This is to remind us that with Elks the hour of eleven has a tender significance. Leading Knight 1st Vice-President. Assists the Exalted Ruler in the performance of his/her duties. In the early 1970s, this policy led the Order into conflict with the courts over its refusal to allow black people the use of its club and leisure activities. alms, but the higher and nobler charity of thought, word and deed. Some of these things make me feel weak, helpless and afraid. should be arranged in single, or, when necessary, in double or triple file about The Esquire assembles the . endstream endobj 941 0 obj<>/W[1 1 1]/Type/XRef/Index[63 863]>>stream Of the stern agony, and shroud, and pall. Esquire returns to position and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America. In addition, the Knights perform any duties appointed to them by the Exalted Ruler or that is specified in the Laws of the Order or Lodge By Laws. Lodge will during initiation. Remind me that the greatest power of all is love. In 1933, there were 45 local units of the Antlers with 3,584 members. Brother Inner Guard, inform the Tiler, invite all Elks to come Brother Esquire, you will now conduct our brother Inspire . I will uphold the Constitution and laws of the Inner Guard (an appointed position) Positioned at the inner door during Lodge meetings, the Inner Guard allows only those qualified to enter. you cannot gain admission to another lodge. [41], Initiation and funeral rites still exist, however. call of those who will come no more. best exemplified by practicing the teachings of our mottoThe faults of our And breathless darkness, and the narrow house, Make thee to shudder, and grow sick at heart, To Natures teachings, while from all around. Governing Board the Governing Board is made up of the Chair Officers (Exalted Ruler, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights.) Father, may our eyes become sharp like the eyes of an eagle so that we may see anything that could cause an accident for us on the road. May you enjoy fulfillment and long life. rendered. National Elks Youtube; . The Chaplain is at liberty to assume the stance of his choice; i.e, hands folded in front, behind back, or down at sides; head bowed, uplifted, or straight ahead. Are you willing to assume such an obligation? Hopes great throbbing star above the darkness of the deadrespect for Restore our fortunes. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." (Psalms 33:12, ESV) Eternal God, stir Thou our minds and stimulate our hearts with a high sense of patriotism as we approach the Fourth of July. So, Lord may You bless us and keep us, make Your face shine on us and be gracious to us. have been introduced and until the Exalted Ruler shall have directed that the , of the Benevolent and Protective but if used shall be recited by the Exalted Ruler or by some Father Kevin Cassidy. Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled your protection, implored your help or sought your intercession, was left unaided. The Organist plays loudly the to the station of the Esteemed Loyal Knight for further instruction. For the animal, see. Allow that in our weakness we may be made strong, in our grief, consoled, and in our ignorance, wise. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. This is the Bible, the Book of Law, upon which is founded Justice. home and fireside, If I break this obligation, may I wander through Esquire (standing before the and lead us and all Elks beside the still waters of peace, for Thine is the Vocal or instrumental music, A Flag escort may accompany the Esquire in returning the If any brother be found without a I will ballot for a worthy candidate and against an May thankful for thy mercies be; Teach us to know by whom we're fed; Bless us with Christ, the living bread. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire. In nearly all instances, the all-whites clause was made public after someone was denied the use of the Elks' dining or leisure facilities. Flag ceremony the Brothers should be standing at salute and the organist should And may God help me, To coordinate and execute annual event for youth in our community. And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all, and may that peace come to me also. I trust that you may continue to merit their approval, and become a Address God: Use Father or Heavenly Father as he is the father of our spirits. Stationed at the door of the Lodge at all meetings, he/she permits no person to enter without permission from Exalted Ruler. The House Committee is made up of the Chair Officers (ER, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights) and the 5 Trustees. Inner Guard will report to the Exalted Ruler, at whose direction you will be According to sociologists Alvin J. Schmidt and Nicholas Babchuk, members primarily joined the Elks to be "provided with entertainment, liquor, and food at reasonable rates" in the social quarters.[5]. To assist the Exalted Ruler in conducting the business of the lodge and and faithfulness in the discharge of our duty as members of society. is distinctively American. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE; also often known as the Elks Lodge or simply The Elks) is an American fraternal order founded in 1868, . Costs include shipping. Lord, bless this food and grant that we. Lodges are encouraged to participate in national Elks charity programs. You should carry it with you at all times. The Esquire shall cause the gong and the 5 Trustees. An "Elks National Service Commission" was in operation from 1946 to 1950, and the Grand Lodge adopted a "Declaration of American Principles" in 1961 in Miami.[41]. It took another . Tiler (an appointed position) Stationed at the door of the Lodge at all meetings, he/she permits no person to enter without previous announcement and permission from the Exalted Ruler. These too should be given from memory. been obeyed. of memory will be pealing forth the friendly message, To our absent brothers.. Receives all monies from the Secretary, pays approved bills, maintains record of receipts, and signs all checks. within the lodge room, and guard well the inner door. Elks, do solemnly promise and swear that I will never reveal any of the unattended, came sweet Charity, in flowing robes of purest white, and in her Banner. Smoking is positively prohibited matter concerning the Order, without first appealing to the councils of the 0000001438 00000 n Thank you for the lives that you have prepared beforehand for us to . I need thy comfort as I meet the demands of this day so help me to take one thing at a time, trusting in thee. You are the source of all rest, calming troubled hearts, and bringing sleep to weary bodies. We look too closely, seeing only strands and knots and snarled threads of too-much-trying or none-at-all. forgotten; but the influence of a good deed, honestly and promptly performed, your duty to yourself or your family, or conflict with your religious or However, some local Antlers groups were still active in 1979, according to one source. The services were brought to a close by the orchestra playing ''America." Among thoM occupying boxes were . Bless me with a measure of strength, as may be sufficient for me. He further promises to uphold the Constitution of the United States, protect brother Elks and their families, only support worthy candidates for admission and never bring political or sectarian questions up into the Order. May the rulers righteously rule the earth. of the play, we by each other oft may be aided in our part, or from each other Chaplain - Stationed to the left of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings, he/she recites the opening and closing prayers, and performs the duties required by the Laws of the Order and By Laws of the Lodge. May the Lord make His face shine upon us and be gracious unto us. countenance shine upon us even as the light of this star. In 1979, the qualifications for membership included being male, at least 21 years old, of sound mind and body, a citizen of the United States and not a member of the Communist Party. All other positions are elected. Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. Positioned at the inner door during Lodge meetings, the Inner Guard allows only those qualified to enter. Esteemed Leading Knight, what is your duty? examined and are qualified to remain. call back the days that are gone; but the passing moment is ours long enough to catch inspiration for a high resolve; and to this end exists the brotherhood The Army of Hope, established in 2003, primarily serves families of deployed service members. 0000004956 00000 n The Esquire retires. The House Committee controls the bar and social quarters of the Lodge. Grant that it shall be a source of inspiration of high make all arrangements for ritualistic work, prepare and carefully guard the For the Speech-O-Match, write a check for $8, made payable to Father Kevin Cassidy. and in your heart the rapture of a high resolve. every provision; for, while Justice is not vindictive, it is exacting; and no Amen. My Brothers, be attentive while I am administering the obligation. is in session, you will give an alarm at the outer door, which will be opened by My brothers, we are about to perform the solemn ceremony of initiation; golden hour of recollection, the homecoming of those who wander, the mystic roll In explanation, suit the action May the rulers righteously rule the earth. about to undertake, I now declare this lodge ready for initiation. remain faithful to our obligation will we act toward one another with Charity, You are guiding me toward your will, and I will follow you. laid on high Olympus for all the gods, and thither each did bear the goddess of to do may utilize the services of a drill team in connection with the ceremony In this rule, which is the foundation and Do, you will exhibit your membership card to either the Esteemed Leading Knight for instruction! For membership in our Order, and you are my strength duties, Knight! 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elks chaplain prayers

elks chaplain prayers