characteristics of african theatre

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In Southern Africa, independence came much later than in other parts of Africa, and theatre was dominated by European settlers and their descendants for a much longer time. Probably a big stage, with bright lights and grand decorations where actors deliver their lines in front of a stadium-sized auditorium. In the late 1930s, Black community theatres began to appear, revealing talents such as those of Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee. I highly recommend you use this site! It is not possible to talk of much African theatre as if it fell into discrete historical or national patterns. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Rituals are often accompanied by larger festivals to celebrate or commemorate events. On Monday, Sept. 17, 1821, it opened with Richard III. This wasnt the swankiest showing; the first king was played by an enslaved man who wore a makeshift robe fashioned from a window curtain, and the play was condensed for a smaller cast. Who are the representatives of African theater? Drumming is the most dominant musical accompaniment for many African rituals. In the mid-1960s the Kola Ogunmola company, in conjunction with the Nigerian theatre designer Demas Nwoko, had great success with an adaptation of Amos Tutuolas novel The Palm-Wine Drinkard. Across the African continent, people practice very elaborate rituals that include ornate costumes and masks, music, dancing, and storytelling. Similarly, the often violent struggle for independence in Kenya and elsewhere produced powerful protest theater, and the process of independence was brought into drama increasingly articulated in the struggle against what was seen as neocolonial rule. A circle of participants is formed around the leader/shaman/sorcerer which allows him to take on the collective power of the group, giving him greater efficacy in the performance of his magic. In that same year the Federal Theatre Project was founded, providing a training ground for African Americans. Gibson Kente, a well-known South African musical theatre maker. Once the African Theater shifted from a strictly Black space to an integrated one, there was a brutal disconnect between what the different audiences expected to happen onstage. The mask, therefore, is an emblem, a sign which is not only used to erase the personality of the wearer, but which also identifies the wearer with an ancestor or a supernatural being. African thought is steeped in animism which places humanity at the centre of its concerns. An error occurred trying to load this video. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. By 1902, the conquest of Africa was almost complete, with the greatest beneficiaries being France, Great Britain, Portugal, Belgium, later Germany and, to a lesser extent, Spain and Italy. (Throughout the article, dates in parentheses are dates of publication rather than first performance, except where noted.). He was a member of the Executive of the International Federation for Theatre Research (FIRT) and Secretary-General of the Union of African Performing Artists. Clarks first play, Song of a Goat (1964), was staged in the Mbari arts centre in Ibadan in a production directed by Soyinka. Osofisan, however, is the colossus of Nigerian theatre in terms of output and popularity over the last decades of the 20th century. Characteristics of Black Theater Black theater refers to plays and musicals written and performed by African Americans with the intention of portraying their experiences. The silly decisions of humans. Across the African continent, people practice very elaborate rituals that include ornate costumes and masks, music, dancing, and storytelling. In West Africa, Ghana and Nigeria became powerhouses of postcolonial theatre. A younger member of the company, Ira Aldridge, would later travel overseas where he made a career as an internationally renowned Black Shakespearean actor. Often the stories follow predictable plot patterns, use call-and-response so that the audience gets to participate, feature trickster characters and animist gods, and ultimately deliver a proverb or lesson, like ''don't be greedy.''. Often the dancing is communal rather than partnered, and audience members participate along with designated performers. Shakespeares Richard III arrived on a New York City stage 200 years ago this month. by Percy Mtwa and Barney Simon. The circular space itself expresses the desire to bring the participants together and to create between them a fusion, a true physical and psychological interpenetration. The radical power of his playwriting is also evident in the pessimistic play If: A Tragedy of the Ruled (1983), though a sense of satiric fun is also seen in Our Husband Has Gone Mad Again (1977) and Holding Talks (1979). Let's take a closer look at early forms of African performance, as well as the post-colonial African theatre practices. Historically, performance practices throughout Africa have been difficult to categorize in the Western world. A Professor at the University of Yaounde in Cameroon, he later worked for the Cameroon Ministry of Culture. Some are in a lighter vein and give rise to comic expression, but the great majority has their origins in religious expression and magic. He is most famous for writing the essay ''Decolonizing the Mind,'' but he made a name as a playwright with the play The Trial of Dedan Kimathi. He was the star of a . He established the Black Arts Repertory Theatre in Harlem in 1965 and inspired playwright Ed Bullins and others seeking to create a strong Black aesthetic in American theatre. They did not name their theatre; rather, they lived it. Soyinka himself was part of a group of young playwrights who established their reputations in the years immediately before and after Nigeria gained its independence in 1960 and who are recognized as the formative creators of modern Nigerian theatre. And yet its also a moment to recognize how difficult it has been for Black artists to make it onstage and into our history. These imitations involve movement, gesture, disguise and dialogue with the divinities. The 200th anniversary of the African Theater (which was commemorated on the 2021 International Black Theater Summits Black Theater Day on Sept. 17) coincides with an important moment in Broadway history, when all of the new dramatic productions scheduled this fall seven total are by Black playwrights. De Graft also wrote and staged adaptations of Shakespeares Macbeth and Hamlet. The theatrical hierarchy. It wasnt long before more performers joined Hewlett, who would become the principal actor in what came to be called the African Theater. By the nineteenth century, when European powers again turned their economic and religious attention toward Africa, they found not a series of culturally and economically robust states but, rather, states that had been already significantly weakened in material and moral terms. The rich cultural heritage of the nation, particularly of the south, made performance the natural means for political debate, social cohesion, celebration, and lament. He changed the theaters name and moved it several times, opening and closing and reopening until the financial well ran dry. Characters are painted with white ash/clay. I feel like its a lifeline. Some hail from East Africa, including: And some hail from Southern Africa, including: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. and Tahinta (both 1968). Similarly, the vibrant tradition of popular theater (such as Yoruba opera) was also a resource that the literary playwright used and drew upon as an inspiration. Unlike modern plays, traditional rituals and tales are not written by individual playwrights. She is also known for plays she wrote for children such as Vulture! But since there is little sense in applying the term indiscriminately, as certain studies of African theatre have tended to do, it would seem best to focus on what might be called theatre only in its relationship to the concept and definition of drama. Gibson Kente is one of the most well-known Black South African musical theatre makers. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. A collective entertainment, these performances principal aims were to represent mores observed in daily life. For those coming into contact with African theatre and drama for the first time, we are including updated versions of four previously published essays which introduce African theatre generally by contextualizing the field globally and historically as well as tracing the colonial roots of its major Anglophone and Francophone incarnations. The first known play by a Black American was James Browns King Shotaway (1823). In such traditional ceremonies, for example, the mask is considered the material representation of a spiritual presence assuring the presence of the ancestors among the living. Such performances, like those of the commedia dellarte, depend a great deal on improvisation around a relatively limited series of stories drawn from the common heritage, which often mix serious and comic modes. With those two plays Aidoo established herself as a major presence in African theatre. It is to rituals, dances, masquerades, storytelling and folk celebrations with all their theatrical elements, then, that one must look for such an African definition. Updates? The IATC journal/Revue de l'AICT June/Juin 2017: Issue No 15, Ousmane Diakhat** and Hansel Ndumbe Eyoh***. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. In West Africa, storytellers are often called griots. Ritual spaces thus acquire the same enhanced value that is found in the platform stage in other parts of the world. Black theatre flourished during the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 30s. Revelations . 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Ritual space existed, therefore, only by virtue of the forces and the supernatural beings that manifested themselves in it. Even though the African Theater grew so popular that white audiences began attending as well, Brown faced an uphill battle for the companys entire existence. As a result, everything that is done, said or performed in it is, in its turn, invested with a special energy. Part of what I think theyre doing is trying to destroy and dismantle expectations for Black writers and Black performers, Jones said. Secular comic theatre arising mostly from folk celebrations also existed and still exists in Africa, especially during harvest times and during family ceremonies. Stage Manager Overview & Duties | What Does a Stage Manager Do? Vulture! Information. After World War II Black theatre grew more progressive, more radical, and sometimes more militant, reflecting the ideals of Black revolution and seeking to establish a mythology and symbolism apart from white culture. However, there are some commonalities that help us distinguish them from theatre in the U.S. The broad subheadings under which theatre in Africa is considered should, therefore, be seen as an aid to access rather than as representing definite boundaries. Published 2001. The troupe performed plays by Shakespeare and plays written by Brown, several of which were anti-colonization and anti-slavery.Its leading actor was James Hewlett.. Wedlock of the Gods (1972) and King Emene (1974) are two of several plays that explore the strains imposed upon traditional values; other plays have drawn criticism because of a perceived social conservatism in Sofolas attitude. African theater is a theater based on discrete historical and national patterns. The term theatre itself has diverse, complex, contradictory and even antagonistic connotations in Africa. The fact is that Africa is prodigiously rich in rituals of all kinds. In many ways that complex though (literally) fantastic play may be seen as a source for much of his later work. Women were the storytellers, the humour-artisans, the. The 1960s saw the emergence of a new Black theatre, angrier and more defiant than its predecessors, with Amiri Baraka (originally LeRoi Jones) as its strongest proponent. The play depicted the characteristics, emotions, and struggles of an urban Black family and eventually won a New York Drama . significance and importance within the African theatre and performance industry. Through gestures and actions believed to be endowed with supernatural powers, these rituals enable society to reaffirm, perpetuate and commemorate aspects of existence and beliefs deemed essential for the communitys physical, moral and spiritual health. In this sense, African tradition has not handed down to us a specific theatrical system; rather, it has handed down to us a series of functions, which themselves were modified under colonial influence and which gradually moved away from their roots, though they were never eliminated completely. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. A tree might serve as a stand for props and costumes, as well as a backdrop. Ira Aldridge, a pioneering Black Shakespearean actor (shown here in Titus Andronicus), got his start at the African Theater. Theatre here in the 1940s to the 1980s focused on themes of independence, corruption, newly independent authorities and governments, and the history and consequences of slavery. Perhaps the most significant of Clarks plays is his 1966 version of the epic Ijo saga Ozidia seven-day community festival. The Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka, Africas leading playwright, acknowledged the influence of such artists as Ogunde upon his work, and modern Nigerian theatre also owes a debt to James Ene Henshaw, whose well-crafted popular plays (This Is Our Chance, first performed 1948, published 1956; and Medicine for Love, 1964) can be seen as the beginnings of a literary drama. Theres another narrative, said Young, of Boston University. His plays have been frequently staged in Nigeria and Ghana, and in Britain and the U.S. His dramaturgy is characterized by provocative open-endings, as in Once upon Four Robbers (first performed 1978), where, at the end, the audience is asked to vote on whether the armed robbers should be punished or released. Rather than referring to the cultural traditions of Europe then, it seems more sensible to look at the evolution of African culture from within its own unique dynamic and from within its own history. The countries of Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone (and to a lesser extent The Gambia), plus the English-speaking areas of Cameroon, have produced a theatre of great richness since their political independence. Esteemed, educated performers and living repositories of history. A significant element of much of the new radical work was the use of pidgina language of mass communication accessible to a much-wider audience than the educated elite. Long before cultural contact with Europe, Black Africa had its very own personal forms of dramatic expression. The mask, in this sense, tells a story, as it seeks out a supernatural past or present that it both directs and invigorates, participating in either the cohesion of the group or as an aggressor in a hostile situation. The African Company Presents Richard the Third. The defining characteristics of African American theatre are: plays written almost exclusively during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s productions performed by black Americans plays written by and for African Americans plays written by white American for black actors productions performed by black Americans In most African religions, the ritual expresses a need to communicate with supernatural forces, especially with the ancestors whose spirits live on. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Popular theatre practitioners such as Hubert Ogunde, writing in Yoruba, created biblical and political dramas that toured the country in trucks, performing in hotel yards or community halls to enthusiastic audiences, with lavish ingredients of song, dance, and spectacle. Sundays were ripe for entertainment, with Black New Yorkers fresh out of church hungry for leisure. Relations between African states were perverted by the rush to satisfy the demand for slaves. Equally, the performance with its imaginative pseudo-documentary style, use of music and militant dance, recall the subversive use of these elements in the struggle for independence, which is one of the major political works of modern African theater. Choreography Principles & Structures | What is Choreography? What happened to Brown, and when exactly the theater shut down for good, are both unclear. Thats the question Jones says Brown faced, and now, he says, contemporary Black playwrights like Aleshea Harris, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, Suzan-Lori Parks and Jeremy O. Harris are doing the same, though with different tactics. Onwuemes early plays were based on domestic incidents, but she became more adventurous with political allegories (The Desert Encroaches, 1985; Ban Empty Barn, 1986), andafter a move to teach in the U.S.her work expanded in range and ambition with strong feminist dramas, often with an evangelistic edge. Through them, there is imitation of supernatural phenomena and an effort to make the celebrants one with such forces. Finally, it should be said that secular performances provide spectacles that are much more varied and lively than do the ritual ones where things tend to be much slower and more established by precedent. There are masters of ceremonies as well as actions that take place according to an agreed scenario which itself respects certain ritual prescriptions. In Ghana this was called Concert Party Theatre, and in Nigeria it was called Yoruba Opera. Characters were often noble, royal, or somehow exalted in position. ghosts, demons, obsessed human beings whose sould cannot find rest because in life they were devoted to worldly honor, love, or other goals that keep drawing them back to the physical world and its imperfections god, warrior, women, madness, demon noh theatre five types of drama shite protagonist tsure supporting character waki What is Rococo Sculpture? Concert Party theatre complemented the literary theatre with its particular kind of social commentary and its inventive use of both traditional and modern forms of entertainment. Playwriting in Theatre: Tools & Techniques. Some elements of traditional African drama which have been adapted to literature and film include, songs and dances, mask and masquerades, proverbs, idioms and other aspects of language, history. Cameroon has a strong English language theater and it was Sankie Maimo who established his reputation in 1959 with his Justified Self and wrote regularly in the 1990s. When he dared to go toe-to-toe with a nearby white theater, each presenting rival Shakespeare productions, he was harassed by police and his theater was raided. Both these qualities contrast sharply with Western forms of theatre, which compartmentalize cultural forms of expression; hence the importance in Western theatre of the . Indigenous African theatre was deeply rooted in day-to -ay activities. These early forms of African performance influenced later, postcolonial theatre, which is a type of theatre that tends to criticize colonialism, critique social and economic conditions in newly independent nations, and provide a creative means for educating the people. The African has always lived in close accord with theatre and the theatrical; the performative, to use a contemporary term, is an integral part of his or her identity. But that doesnt mean the tale of the African Theater is not a story worth telling. Haddy is ABD in Theatre Studies and has taught college theatre for 7 years. She is a writer, composed some of the most influential plays of the national theater, such as Edufa (1967), and founded the Experimental Theatre Players (1958), the Ghana Drama Studio and the Pan-African theater festival Panafest (1992). Including both men and women and intended for a large rural public, these performances varied from light entertainment to community satire and were characterized by virtuosity in areas such as mime, verbal skills, acrobatics, song and dance. Theater Director Role & Techniques | What Does a Theater Director Do? It was part and parcel of the whole conception of existence, and it was also a communal activity. but at the same time, they want to reject or deny their ability to do certain things, like, for example, legitimate Shakespeare.. If one considers the genres and styles of theatre in connection with the milieu in which they originated, if one tries to ascertain the specific elements that gave rise to African theatre and if one studies these indigenous forms as such, it can be concluded that theatre in ancient Black Africa can be clearly found in such elements as ritual gesture and communal celebrations by large rural publics where these forms first emerged; artistic forms that synthesize spectacle and the spoken word, rhythm and dance, forms that integrate many modes of expression. By a Black American was James Browns King Shotaway ( 1823 ) dancing and! Often combines European theatre methods with early African theatre as if it fell into historical. 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characteristics of african theatre

characteristics of african theatre