aquarius venus and scorpio venus compatibility

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You may be quite baffled by your partners passionate reactions to you, as you tend to feel that getting too emotionally tangled up in problems is counterproductive. They also share a perfectionist streak that could eclipse the peak moments. Love can make it work, although plenty of adjustments are necessary to keep this union moving in healthy directions. This could suit both of you just fine. ", Venus Leo Compatibility With Other Venus Signs, Your Fortune as Jupiter Transits the Horoscope Houses, Cancer Man and Aquarius Woman Zodiac Compatibility. If sun-kissed Leo is eclipsed by too many dark, morose days, that's a sign that stagnation is setting in. ", Venus Leo Compatibility With Other Venus Signs, Discover the Love Compatibility of Venus in Aries, Taurus with Libra: Their Love Compatibility, The Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Aquarius Note: You are likely familiar with comparing sun signs to determine compatibility. This sign is most. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Your partner might find your behavior unsettling at times, simply because they looking for a certain measure of security in partnership. Venus is one of the essential planets in astrology. More than almost any other signature in the chart, these planets (and their aspects and house placements), give clues as to how you like to "do love" (Venus) and "do sex" (Mars). I think this is a good illustration of why pop astrology (ie sun sign books) doesn't work and turns people off astrology if this is their only reference. You are sensually inclinednot sensation -oriented like Aries, but rather keenly tuned in to the world of the physical five senses. To the people who know me well, I am the stereotype to an extent - very inquisitive, witty, socially adept - but still not fickle, spacey, flighty or the social butterfly. Compatible elements are fire and air, and these Venus signs also get a lift. But what about going out? ", Discover the Love Compatibility of Venus in Aries. If you had Gemini rising and all that Gemini energy was really in 1st, yikes, you'd be a nervous wreak!! Is there more to experience beyond that first flash? A Venus Virgo helpmate has a natural reserve, but they are diligent in creating a daily rhythm that works in practice. This can be hurtful to your sensitive mate or friend. It had the Mars-Venus oppositions and trines, Venus-Venus sextiles, Venus-Saturn trine and sextiles, Moon-Sun sextile, actually it had a lot. But they are restored withrecreation, in both senses of the word, either by re-creating their circumstances or through play and leisure. Your partner is a more stubborn soul, possessing staying power, for sure, but not the flexibility that you so gracefully offer any partnership. Both like a lot of space and are not touchy-feely, so much depends on whether there's a sense of shared vision or purpose. I'm also a Gemini Sun, Mercury, Venus and that's in 9th house which squares my 6th house Pisces Moon. That's the question here, with two lovers who bask in the admiration of the other. What's the difference in love, with these two proud fire signs? They share a revulsion for narrow-minded people but paradoxically could get competitive with opinions. You're a free-spirited kind of friend or lover. Your partner craves a relationship that is very personal and committed, while you are more inclined to look for a classic friendship in any love relationship! Capricorn also seems to age in reverse, so instead of growing stale, their love grows more playful with each anniversary. They represent the internal . Back to Venus-Mars Combinations chart. In the natal astrological chart, Venus and Mars are the "go to" planets of love and relationship. Dont know the positions of your planets? Venus Leo has a lust for life but also fearsrejection above allwhich means they can suffer agonizing heartbreak when humiliated. Yours is a passionate, fully present and very physical style. A sticking point for Leo is loyalty, and Gemini is known to be capricious. Some Famous People with this Combination: Winona Ryder, Jay-Z, Drake, Snoop Dogg, Emilia Clarke, Chris Noth, Grace Slick. What attracts Venus Aquarius is uniqueness, a strong will, and passion for breaking out of inner or outer limitations. I would suspect then that the composite of you didn't match. But if you're looking for fidelity, be sure to make that clear. In friendship, each champions what's unique about the other, and teases out new, interesting peculiarities. As a result, you are unlikely to be a joined-at-the-hip type of couple. As a quick-moving inner planet, the position of Venus in your natal chart is very personal. If you see someone you like, you are inspired. Venus Aquarius guys and gals are freely affectionateand have a way of making you feel like you belong. Conflicts, of course, will occur, but your ability to reason things through (and your partners responsiveness in this department) can help smooth over rough edges. As both of you can be rather stubborn in love, there can be an imbalance. A difference is you're more likely to beam on one person at a time, intensely. Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Note: These compatibility interpretations can be used with Sun Signs as well. You are very respectful of a partners rights and individuality. A key here iscatharsisthe art of taking raw emotion and moving it, being changed by it. As such, Venus Leo might feel silently judged for tooting their own horn. These are friendly elements (air and fire) and are always up for an adventure. You value exactly that freedom, making this an area in your relationship that you both will need to work on. During this cycle, there is a powerful mental connection with your creative self-expression. What they get is the Crab's invisible, but palpably felt, webbing of emotion. Pisces. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Still, the Venus Virgo lover has a sensuous streak underneath all that reserve. You enjoy making friends and sharing social activities with your mate, while your partner is usually content to spend more private time with you than spreading themselves around in a social sense. You could feel judged as rash, reckless, insensitive, to this Venus who records the smallest word and deed. He or she wants to see adoring eyes and will lose interest in a flash if the twinkle goes out of your eyes. Attachment can grow between these two signs! There is a lot of romantic chemistry between you two because the Venus is attracted to the Mars' similar passion and sex drive, while Mars is attracted to the Venus' charm. From March 2-18: Mercury transits your solar fifth house. Butfun and adventure await the grounded twosome. As such, you are likely to give each other quite a bit of freedom. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, For example, if you have a Scorpio Venus and your dating a Scorpio Mars, prepare for fireworks. When your Venus is in Taurus, your needs in love are largely determined by the pleasing of your senses. See our Venus sign tables. Your quirkiness can be fun and even electric. It's natural to rush into new experiences, and there's so much to do and see. Venus Libra can be the provocateur here, to disrupt balance, to reach new heights and avoid ruts of routine. You admire self-motivated people, and Venus Capricorn has a quiet confidence that's a draw. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio Your Venus is in an Air sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. There's a nervous quality to your Venus Virgo, and focus on the (to your eyes) small and not important, that's maddening. And their spiritual bent opens you to many dimensions of life. This match-up is a study in contrasts and in a nutshell one of light work and heavy lifting. Click I know that is a generalization, but generalizing based on Venus signs is the same thing. The experimental factor is high, as is the riskthere could be something about their pairing that provokes others or society in some way. Find out your position of Venus by sign here. You are future-minded, a tad unconventional (in love, anyhow) and theres an unmistakable free spirit in you that shows up most obviously in matters of the heart. If you're angry, you let it out and it's over. Related Stories From YourTango: This pairing will stay up all night talking and. You love to brainstorm with your partner, and in Venus in Pisces, you have found a completely fascinating brain to pick. At times, however, your partner might try to back off from the microscope, as they are certainly more sensitive and moody than you are when it comes to relationships. Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility. Heh. I was looking at the fact that she has Venus in Libra and I have it in Scorpio and how practically we're the antithesis of the other!!! Venus shows us what we're attracted to, and often strangely repulsed by too. You're a very in-the-moment kind of lover, and don't tend to harbor resentments. Mars is trine the ASC to 2+ degrees so I think that is where the stability comes in. But Aquarius, a sign of both chaos and order, is looking for a love as wide as the clear blue sky. Venus Leo is more instinctual and would prefer not to deliberate over choices, while Venus Libra has a gift for weighing options, and is a great sounding board. When Venus is in Aquarius (transiting), it's time for speed dating, random encounters, and light social mixers. Longevity in this pairing has more to do with the path, and what's there to experience together. See our Mars sign tables. But if you are too rough, even without meaning to be, your shy lover can swim away. They allow each other freedom and have been married 40 years (not counting the 5 years they dated before that). You could butt heads over plans, and be irked if your mate makes sudden changes. Aquarius This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. If you happen to be off on a tangent, seemingly in another world, your partner can quickly become impatient. Mentally, you and your partner might have much to share. Both of you are stubborn and this leads at times to vigorous arguments. Here's Venus Libra with other Venus Signs: Venus Libra is at first wowed by the forceful Aries attention but then wilts if that gaze turns elsewhere. Both like refined things, status and a sense of climbing upward, whether it's socially or materially. Dont know your Venus sign? It can be much more revealing to compare Venus signs in romantic relationships! They share worldly concerns, though, so they could be a power couple if they share a similar outlook or cause. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries Airy Aquarius, while also quite logical, prefers not to dwell on things. As twofire signs, this pair isgenerous, active, affectionate, spontaneous, and instinctual. At some point, however, Venus Leo might wonder if life is all fun and games to Venus Gemini. If you are receptive, your partner is more likely than most to be able to infuse your creative, inventive mind with just enough emotion, inspiration, and imagination to really take you places. The quirk factor is high here, but Aquarius' rebel ways may be too hard onVirgo's sensitive nerves. If you have the space to breathe a little, all the better. Capricorn is more tradition-minded, and thinks long term, while Aquarius often breaks with the familiar. You are genuinely somewhat detached when it comes to relationships, and commitment is not your primary goal. Capricorn You are largely objective, while your partner is subjective. You're liable to chafe at the mindset (Libra is air) of the twosome and be quick to assert yourself in words and actions. Since it's Venus, though, these clashes can be invigorating, since both like to spar with a strong opponent. Love between these two will grow given enough stability and sensory stimulation. The kind-hearted romantic Pisces soul is just as interested in the arts, so that's a major commonality between the two. Leo is Sun-kissed, and that's symbolic of the unlimited power possessed by the Lion. This relationship can be a little more challenging than some, but compassion and understanding can most certainly make it work. A breathless affair could be short-lived if reality intrudes and bursts the fantasy. Although they will happily engage in conversation, and thoroughly enjoy your enthusiasm and your visions, your partner values tender intimacy more than intellectual debate. However, you dont find comfort in a partnership that stays the same and doesnt seem to be going anywhere. Each beam in the others' company. In the long term, however, their extravagant tastes could lead to conflicts over the household budget. On first dates, they share anecdotes, trying to bust the sides of the other with wit. As creative powerhouses, each will support the other's ambitions. Your opposite attraction sign is Venus in Virgo, an earth sign that will likely help you ground some of those feels. Fast friendships are made, and whirlwind love affairs begin with a bang. They inspire each other as friends, with fresh angles and stunningly vast perspectives. Look to our Venus Sign Tables. A shared sense of purpose is love glue. They both need a driving vision to move them forward. While Aquarius prefers intellectual variety, Aries likes physical adventure. Sagittarius You're a fire sign, for an instinctual and physical approach to getting to know others. Both need breathing room, though Libra finds it hard to harmonize with such a solo traveler. You are more apt to analyze a situation before letting yourself feel the energy of the moment. Theres a bit of quirkiness in you both, although yours is a direct and offbeat sort of charm, while your partners charm is softer and more intimate. This can feel comforting or claustrophobic. Each of you can learn a lot from each other, as long as you are tolerant of each others needs. Whereas your partner values partnerships more than anything, you are more inclined to place the highest value on the friendship first, before the partnership. At times, Leo will want to play the peacock, and unless Libra understands this, Leo will rebel under the weight of too muchtogetherness. I'm not anywhere close to that. Make no mistake, this is a steamy combowater and fire bring love to the boiling point! Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. Both Leo and Taurus value loyalty, and both are outwardly affectionate. Venus Cancer is highly responsive, and that's a big plus, but the Moonchild's oceanic highs and lows soon make Venus Libra seasick. Read more about Venus in Scorpio and compatibility. If well I'm charmed by Geminis and fascinated with Libras, I think I'd actually end up loving Aquarians despite the huge difference. Most importantly, stable Taurus is secure enough to let Leo grab the spotlight. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. This earthy Venus is sober and serious. When the relationship in question is a love relationship, one factor that should be considered is the comparison of Venus signs. Aquarius Conversely, Leo's attempts to rein in flighty Gemini might come off as overdramatic and domineering and could give Gemini the jitters. This issue may be the most difficult of your problems together. They bring together the planet of love (Venus) and its higher octave Neptune, so it's bound to be meaningful and even feel "fated." Not even close. The Aquarius have Venus as the lord of . Your partners moods change quickly, and while you can hardly be labeled predictable, you are not as flexible as your partner is. He had give or take 33 victims stuffed under his house. about the overall compatibility of two people. Each of you expresses a different loving style that holds some answers to what you may be overdoing in your own life. Want to quickly find out the sign of your Venus, and the Venus signs of others? So why, pray tell, do people say opposites attract? Venus in Libra is chatty, though, and this can intrude on Leo's desire to be the center of attention. Otherwise, your lover is prone to feeling like theyve done something wrong. You, more than most people, understand your lovers tendency to be a bit inconstant. Although you are not someone who would be considered flighty, you do not tolerate stagnation very well. If this is an intimate relationship, the two strong libidos make it one for the record books. JavaScript is disabled. Though Venus Scorpio hides his or her feelings, they have an intense need for control and a desire to possess body and soul. Lover has a natural reserve, but Aquarius, a strong opponent peak moments could... You belong tell, do people say opposites attract be something about their pairing that provokes others or society some. Are genuinely somewhat detached when it comes to relationships, and instinctual union moving in healthy.. Intense need for control and a desire to possess body and soul above allwhich means they can suffer heartbreak. Be an imbalance cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep this union moving in directions... Content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you 're a fire,. 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aquarius venus and scorpio venus compatibility

aquarius venus and scorpio venus compatibility