Ulla Rartha. Arnóra Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Dramola Tevia 400 Female Dwarf Names – Dungeons & Dragons. Betta Lovisa Elven Males.

Rasicha Signí Bergní


Brana Nanní

Faca Dolana Borgní Ragna Thorgiel Amara. Myagrun Aindina. Gaviel Signa Bargun Jónvár

If you need to get in touch for any reason, please use one of the links below. Bára ( Log Out /  A request I’ve received a few times, hence this post. Ralvina Japith Davlia. Dothura Bylgja Aindina Barba

Dora. Lona Correct, Irene means Peace in Greek.

Mina Jaderyn Bagrna. Drargna Dora Acaida Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Brynja. Loa Asta Sanna Edda The outer dwarf names I added are ether old norse or icelandic, not khuzdul, as is the custom. Sólva Aleris. Thothila Braka. Ina Narynn Sarella

Legna Moira Sola Dwarven Females. Sóldís The language they use is one that is not often heard spoken, which does make this tricky. Did you end up finding the perfect female dwarf names for your next Dungeons and Dragon game? Sepith Elora Rulora. Rakul Ásta Járndís

FYI – I based myself on a list I once received from a Scandinavian friend, it must have been missing from that list. Fípa

Billa Tanda

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Bjarma Urtha Brarynn Katla

Mirev Sólja Khuzdul in the Battle of Five Armies Movie, Follow The Dwarrow Scholar on WordPress.com. Aca Tórunn Neraeryn

Jútta Acaida. Saldís Óigló Jansí Kaia Malja Serdy You could add the old Norse name Geisli, meaning sunbeam. Ingrún


Whether you are playing Dungeons and Dragons or need a name for a video game character, these female dwarf names will do the trick. Ghervis Gimona Leera Gunna Ása Mavia Darura. Ragriel Minarian Names. Gargila What’s a good female dwarf name for a funny but violent dwarf? Harinda Anní Fís Ábria Dagunn Runira Korbeth Johild Get ready to have some fun picking out your favorite name before your next game. What to Say to a Girl If She Says She Doesn’t Want to Have a Boyfriend? Finding the perfect dwarf name is tough as there may be character traits that you would like to tailor your naming to.

Hervór Bórka Dothila. Mili Dirana Oddvór Áslíg Oda You have entered an incorrect email address! Dagni Fólva Fervia Tordís Dís Jodis

If you are creating a new character and are looking for an interesting name that fits the bill, check out the generator below to come up with lots of interesting dwarf name ideas. Ásdís Dogrila. Henní Dilvina Tóta Baglia. If you wish to create a dwarf character, then you will need to come up with a cool and interesting dwarf name that sounds like it is actually real. Revna Gís

Gagrlia Obara Drargura Kecha Rurgora Alma Várdís

Bavola Rannvá Since this tool is completely random, any names that are suggested using this dwarf name generator may come out a bit…strange. Torvór Siv A race of people that are small in stature but mighty in spirit often live in caves or mines below the surface.

Rathila Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Marna

Dilgana. A female with the surname “longbeard” is very much possible.

Dorola You can pick your favorite name from the list or just use this list to generate new naming ideas.

Ririden To save you some effort, here are some of the best suggestions that this dwarf name generator has created. Divira Dwarven axes, maces, and other battle gear can be highly valuable in the fantasy world.

Thrái Kata Tova Ruvona Digona. By using this website you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.
If you want to find their meaning, I’m sure you would be able to find a site that caters to finding the meaning of names, it’s not my specialty at all I’m afraid. Vón

Zesi. Brana. Óilíg Torní Ingvór Most games do not restrict characters by gender, so here are some of the better female name ideas for dwarf characters.

myrrh. Rervia Bina Defas Ánania Dady. Dragrola. Sigrun Dindila

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