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yuri bezmenov jesus In another somewhat terrifying excerpt, heres what Bezmenov had to say about what is really happening in the United States: It may think it is living in peace, but it has been actively at war with Russia, and for some time: Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system trains another generation of people who think they are living at the peacetime, said the former KGB agent. The anti-American paranoia hysteria in the Soviet propaganda was of such a high degree that many less skeptical people, or less stubborn, would really believe that the United States is just about to invade our beautiful motherland. And when I discovered that fact, of course, I was sick. Nothing could be further from the truth. Whether I scare some people are not, I dont give a hoot. on December 21, 2019, There are no reviews yet. He wanted five hundred American dollars for enrollment. This shows what kind of integrity, what kind of honesty this people have. They never bothered to answer me back. On the left is Comrade Medhi, an Indian Communist. yuri bezmenov subversion Maharishi Mahesh Yogi [Fig. yuri bezmenov education There is no qualitative change in this Soviet concentration camp system. They would see everything in kind of pink, nice color. At that age, of course, I was still an idealistically minded, young communist, and I still believe that sooner or later things will go for better. ", He moved to Los Angeles in the 1980s. Its simplistic. Were he alive today, most likely he would be inspecting Soviet troops in Nicaragua, Angola, and many other parts of the world. Educate yourself, understand what is going on around you. In 1967, the KGB attached me to this magazine, Look magazine [Fig. Yuri Bezmenov's appearance in the Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War trailer is taken from this 1984 interview between G. Edward Griffin and Bezmenov: In that interview, Bezmenov downplays the . 22]. "[16], In 1989, he and his wife divorced. 4]. He also mentions that revolutions throughout history are never the result of a majority movement, but of a small dedicated and highly-organized group who seize power, whether for good or bad. It was updated in January 2023. That same year he moved to Windsor, Ontario, while she stayed in Montreal. And the initiator of this war is not Comrade Andropov, of course. [citation needed], Bezmenov stated that he was instructed not to waste time with idealistic leftists, as these would become disillusioned, bitter, and adversarial when they realized the true nature of Soviet communism. He was the son of a high ranking Soviet Army officer. yuri bezmenov feminism During the interview, Bezmenov explained that the Soviet Union was not interested in fighting America. Time magazine, for example, is very critical of South Africas racist regime. It also shows my nationality, and it has a police rubber stamp, which is called propiska in the Russian language, which assigns me to a certain area of residence. yuri bezmenov lecture They dont look like students at all. And yet these people have been programmed and, as you say, emplaced and who are favorable to an opening with the Soviet concept these are the very people who would be marked for extermination in this country? I am on the right here on the right. He may not have enough information or educational background to understand. yuri bezmenov ideological subversion Thats what we are. He escaped to the West in 1970 after becoming totally disgusted with the Soviet system, and he did this at great risk to his life. And each schoolboy had a picture of a Colorado bug on the on the back page of his notebook. Any revolution is a byproduct of a highly organized group of conscientious and professional organizers. It would take another generation and another couple of decades to get the people to think differently and return to their patriotic American values, claimed the agent. [3], As a Soviet student, he was required to take compulsory military training in which he was taught how to play "strategic war games" using the maps of foreign countries, as well as how to interrogate prisoners of war.[3]. There he is sitting next to his wife before he is being sent to USSR for free trip [Fig. [10] In another interview, Bezmenov would describe a series of methods he posited that the KGB had used during the Games, including espionage by Soviet foreign journalists, as well as the use of other personnel to "provide better control against possible athletic defections. I was trying to get enrolled in that school. There were no machine gun guards, and well, it looks not very pleasant as you see it. His defection was reported in the United States, with Soviet sources stating he was "not important" and did "clerical work", and American intelligence openly stating they believed him to be an agent of the KGB. According to my opinion, and the opinion of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15 percent of time, money and manpower is spent on espionage as such. He then explains how Marxist leaders use informers to make lists of anti-Communist and other politically incorrect people who they want to execute once they - actually a Jewish oligarchy - come to power. And Mr. Philip Huntington is on the extreme left there with his camera. And even if you start right now, here, this minute, you start educating a new generation of Americans. Mr. Bezmenov was born in 1939 in a suburb of Moscow. There were names of pro-Soviet journalists with whom I was personally friendly. But to eliminate the others, to execute the others. And, actually, I was fascinated by Indian culture, by the family life in this country. And they greatly annoyed the Indian police and they were laughingstock of Indians, because obviously they they were good-for-nothing students. Our conversation is with Mr. Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov. In an increasingly. You may ask me, what is in it for me. United States is in a state of war: undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this system.. And some secretly hope that it will come true. So most of the Indians who were cooperating with the Soviets, especially with our Department of Information of the USSR embassy, were listed for execution. yuri bezmenov lecture on subversion Including your precious lives. I socialized with characters like this, on the left you see is a barefoot American hippie [Fig. This is a better picture which reflects the true spirit of the Soviet childhood [Fig. This picture was printed in a Canadian government publication by mistake. They can start war, I wouldnt be surprised. Someone who is never fired from from the service, who stays they internally. The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already. Call of Duty Cold War Trailer 1984 Son of a Bear: Foraging 47K views 1 year ago Constitution 101 | Lecture 1 Hillsdale College. And on the right, comrade Mitrokhin. I was dispatched by the KGB to check what kind of VIP Americans attend this school. For some strange reason, if you want to know more about Spain you refer to Spanish writers. 30]. Bezmenov described this process as a great brainwashing that has four basic stages. The cultural subversion of the United States, Europe and the rest of the world. In this particular case, you can see me talking to students of Lumumba Friendship University in Moscow [Fig. He thinks hes very smart. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. yuri bezmenov breaking india And after crisis, with a violent change of power, structure, and economy, you have the so-called period of normalization. And I even tried to implement the beautiful Marxist motto, Proletarians of all the countries unite. I tried to unite with the nice Indian girl [Fig. It was not so dangerous, it was crazy. This time the subverter does not care about your ideas and the patterns of your consumption. And in response to the intimidations, I said, Look, this is a free country and I am as free as you are. yuri bezmenov communism Unlike many other military officers, he was reporting directly to the minister of defense, bypassing KGB and diplomatic service. And of course, no such idiocy as grain deals to USSR. When American mass media describes Soviet military as potentially dangerous counterpart for Pentagon, I simply laugh because I know better. Uploaded by If a person like Solzhenitsyn is either defecting or kicked out of USSR, they try all their best to this to discredit him and to discourage him. Yuri Bezmenov defected from the Soviet Union to Canada in the '70s, and his warnings about disinformation have made him a posthumous star on social media. 28]. If you are not scared by now, nothing can scare you. This was. Thats basically all for my slides. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. Bezmenov became a deputy chief of that department, which gathered intelligence from sources like Indian informers and agents, on influential or politically significant citizens of India. Aim higher. This was my instruction. That will never happen. When the Soviet citizen is assigned to a foreign job, he has to be married either to keep family in USSR as hostages or, if its a convenience marriage like mine, so that the husband and wife are virtually informers on each other to prevent defection or contamination by decadent imperialists or capitalist ideas. So in other words, I would say I enjoyed or I had good reasons to enjoy all the advantages of the so-called socialist system. You are in a state of war and you have precious little time to save yourself. They are necessary for this revolution to take place. Share 39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America on Facebook, Share 39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America on Twitter, Share 39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America on LinkedIn, Subscribe for counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday. yuri bezmenov deception was my job (complete) Well, did any of the journalists have the curiosity to ask about the prisons and that kind of thing? Some of them, when when they get disillusioned, when they see that MarxistLeninists come to power, obviously they get offended. [18][19] His lectures have also been used by Yale senior lecturer Asha Rangappa, to illustrate the concept of active measures in Russia's historical disinformation campaigns in the United States. I was dressed as a typical hippie with blue jeans, long kameez shirt with all kinds of nice decorations like beads, long hair I bought a wig because for several weeks I had to turn myself from a conservative Soviet diplomat into a very progressive American hippie and that was the only way that that I could avoid detection. The fact that the game's trailer seemingly suggests that Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us about Perseus (which doesn't seem to be strictly true, at least in the interview they used) further . The Soviet people, 270 millions of Soviets, will be eternally thankful to you if you stop aiding a bunch of murderers who sit now in the Kremlin and whom President Reagan respectfully calls government. They do not govern anything, least of all such complexity as the Soviet economy. Whatever Bezmenov saw in the destabilized American society of the early 1980s with respect to the Soviet Union, it's easy to see how the American Left has destabilized entire segments of modern society after demoralizing them. If we sing together, well sing beautifully together. This picture shows the part of the building of USSR embassy and my supervisors [Fig. Its the same pattern everywhere. I had ways to get rid of alcohol through various techniques, including special pills which were given to me by my colleagues. I decided this probably would be the best way to disappear. yuri bezmenov cultural marxism Im trying to tell you that it has to be stopped unless you want to end up in the Gulag system and enjoy all the advantages of socialist equality: working for free, catching fleas on your body, sleeping on the planks of plywood in Alaska this time, I guess thats where Americans will belong. Actually, "ideological subversion" was more of a term used by Soviet and Soviet-bloc propaganda to characterize the supposed actions of the West to undermine socialist and Communist ideology within the Soviet Union. Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov (Russian: ; December 11, 1939 January 5, 1993; alias: Tomas David Schuman[1]) was a Soviet journalist for Novosti Press Agency (APN) and a former PGU KGB informant who defected to Canada. I requested CIA to give me some kind of new identity and just let me go on my own. Simply because the psychological shock when they see in the future what the what the beautiful society of equality and social justice means in practice, obviously they will revolt. This is the worst thing. They have to obey, yes, because they are professional military. The interview features Yuri Bezmenov, a former communist and KGB public relations man, interviewed in 1984 by G. Edward Griffin. Its a great brainwashing process which goes very slow, and its divided into four basic stages, the first one being demoralization. Thats the time they are the most flexible. Mr. Bezmenov has brought a series of slides with him that he has taken from the Soviet Union. Unlike myself, you will have nowhere to defect to. yuri bezmenov social justice The answer is very simple: long before communists occupied the city, there was an extensive network of informers, local Vietnamese citizens who knew absolutely everything about people who were instrumental in public opinion, including barbers and taxi drivers. Yet they claim to be Sovietologists. yuri bezmenov normalization Again, I can not smuggle my wife because she was not quite sure what what I was doing. You see, nothing special by American standards, just nice children sitting, eating their breakfast or lunch. The third reason: how to defect with the family? No. They claim that they are experts on my country. From the first page to the last page, it was a package of lies, propaganda, cliche, which were presented to American readers as opinions and deductions of American journalists. 7]. Travel India and smoke hash. This interview was from back in 1984. Get counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday. They know too much. [3] He claimed that he received veiled death threats from the KGB. As every student in USSR, I went through a very extensive physical and military training and civil defense training, too. yuri bezmenov full interview & lecture - hq They had to analyze the situation and, judging on their reaction to that backgrounder, the local Novosti representative or local Soviet diplomat in Washington, D.C., would assess whether they have whether they be given visa to USSR or not. The only thing I couldnt at the time make up my mind when and where and how. The first stage is called demoralization which takes from 15 to 20 years to achieve. Also I'm pretty sure Russia was giving Pakistan flood relief in 2022 as well. Anyway, so East Pakistan was doomed. So basically, America is stuck with demoralization. What for? After several months, Bezmenov claimed he was forced to act as an informer[3] while maintaining his position as a Novosti journalist. Yes, I am on the left. [9] After contacting the American embassy and undergoing extensive interviews with United States intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was able to help Bezmenov seek asylum in Canada, granted by the administration of Pierre Trudeau. This is the greatest paradox in the history of mankind when the capitalist world supports and actively nourishes its own destructor. Of course, there were no corpses on the ground. I was mentally and physically sick. Bezmenov was born in 1939 in Mytishchi, near Moscow, to Russian parents. Of course, this claim that many baby boomers are somehow espousing KGB-tainted ideas is hard to believe but Bezmenovs larger point addressed why people who have been gradually demoralized are unable to understand that this has happened to them. Id like to hear the details of how you did it. [17] His work has also been cited by senior director of UPenn's Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Dr. Michael Carpenter. They feel that they they matter a lot. [7] Bezmenov did not return to the theater. 31], a great spiritual leader, or maybe a great charlatan and crook, depending on which from which side you are looking at him. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">, Copy a link to the article entitled http://39%20years%20ago,%20a%20KGB%20defector%20chillingly%20predicted%20modern%20America, assassinate political leaders with cyanide, In the Soviet Union, murderers had an easier time than political dissenters, 10 intellectuals who were expelled on Soviet Russias philosophers ships, 10 of the most controversial people in Russian history, 40% of Republicans dont mind if Russia interfered in 2016 election, poll finds, A Russian mathematician rewrote world history and it is bonkers, Heres what being filthy rich in Europe looked like in 1000 BC, 1 AD, and 1000 AD. The crisis would bring a violent change of power, structure, and economy and will be followed by the last stage, normalization. Thats when your country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality. She would be shocked if I put her in my van and drove her to the American embassy or elsewhere. Second, when I started working for the Soviet embassy in India, to my horror I discovered that we are millions of times more oppressive than any colonial or imperialist power in the history of mankind. No, most of the people who you see are free citizens of USSR. They see enemies everywhere, while no pro-American authority can be trusted. But I did not defect. He was educated in the elite schools inside the Soviet Union and became an expert in Indian culture and Indian languages. Three, crisis. 37] would be virtual suicide because, according to law that hypocritical law which I quoted before the Indian police will have to hand me over back to the KGB, and that will be the end of my defection and probably my life. To rid society of these people you need another twenty or fifteen years to educate a new generation of patriotically-minded, commonsense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of the United States society. These are the people who KGB wanted very much to recruit. yuri bezmenov deception was my job transcript And I also can drive very fast. 13]. And thats the way I had to keep them permanently for the next fifteen or twenty days. Simply because, you see, the useful idiots the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of Soviet socialist or communist or whatever system when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov, Warns America About Socialist Subversion Mrgunsngear B Channel 92.9K subscribers Subscribe 50K Share Save 1M views 2 years ago Another "oldie but a goodie". If they dont stop it they cannot curb their insatiable desire for profit and if they keep on trading with the monster of Soviet communism, they are going to hang very soon. There was nothing to do with Islam and there was no grassroots evolution. Basically, in some four hours before dawn, put on the van, taken out of the city limits and shot. Thats the time to approach them with all kinds of nonsense, such as joint communique or statement for for Soviet propaganda. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.. Obviously, they are enjoying the situation. And things, due to some strange logic, due to cosmic vibration, will settle down by themselves.

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yuri bezmenov interview

yuri bezmenov interview