jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes

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However, Jesus DNA had to be special, it had to conform to all Biblical prophesies, i.e. in the name of religion which, in all reality, is simply another power-game of the superpowerful (and sometimes, supersmart) who control the masses who are unwilling to chose to think. For one person to meet every single prophecy, from generation after generation of prophets priests and kings the odds I saw once were 7,000,000,000 to 1. John Doe, like everyone else, has several cancer suppression genes. value. Anyone can see that this is a logical . Here is a good scripture for you: Mat 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. I do believe that gods creations of man in the form of Adam and in the form of jesus points directly to gods work. Logically, Jesus had to have the same DNA as Adam before Adam sinned. There were a profecy made in the past of the word of God and also that the profecy in the past are comeing true. Without the real God on you, you are nothing!!! If I had to guess, Id say love has eluded you pretty much. that Joseph and Mary existed and that Jesus was born of Mary, thus agreeing with Scripture that these people did exist How can you then claim that this same Scripture is incorrect in what it has to say about them? DNA is no more than some software that dictates the development of a LIVING creatures. Matthew 27:25-26 (NIV) we can read Jesus was flogged by men which when we read again what God stated in the prophecy in 2 Sam 7:14: How does that fit in to Adam & Jesus? We enjoy the good traits and overcome the bad ones. Yeah, I see what kind of scientist are you at genetics ( means that if you are a scientist, you cannot use bible as a reference). I really love to read this kind of information. in fact it is eternal life, birth and death processes of life and all the scriptures and all the guidelines kehidupan.dan God is the creator of all things. Jesus verified the scriptures as they existed in His era in the Hebrew temples. Because I know you exist and youll forever be the Immortal and Mighty in Battle. Mat 22:39 And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. HE loves us unconditionally to want us to be with HIM for all eternity. Extending noninvasive prenatal screening to all 24 human chromosomes can detect genetic disorders that may explain miscarriage and abnormalities during pregnancy, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and other institutions. We are each of us, Gods. This scripture takes on new meaning. Twenty-two of these pairs, called autosomes, look the same in both males and females. This way the genetics of David would remain as well as the orally and written history accounts of the Jews. i realy love to read this kind of information, If Mary conceived without a mle sperm then the child would be a clone of the morther. How can a man or man like creature make a limitless universe, with sound governing laws that are valid at quantum and cosmos scale? May the Holy Spirit reveals more the truth to you, so you can share it all the world, so God would be glorified. You can also read what Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:1-6.You may as well read the entire new testament and youll know that every single word in the Bible is true. the job that are already within is to find them, but We all know that DNA is merely some minute matter, but work only following the LIFE being present in creatures. Both Daniel and Zechariah Ch 9-14 are the product of the Hellenistic era and have no messianic prophecies. According to the Bible, all DNA was created on day six, and all of this DNA was deemed as very good (Genesis 1:31). Mere Nano-Specks that you, me, your Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses or Mohammad were, should have been fantasized to gods regardless of their great human stature and services. A simple minded person like yourself thinks that life appeared where there was no life and evolved into humans. And he claimed to have found the blood of Jesus Christ. Yes, we agree: Jesus is the Son of God. jesus is z only way for heaven! so are you people who say that GOD does not exist you are not in your senses. now we are in G-Ds final day..this day is not yours or mine our days are over,,, this 7th day is HIS day he will do things his way . actually Rod, if you read the old testament, in their married tradition, they prefer to marry their closest cousin, just like what happen to Ruth right?, and never the bible mention a lineage between woman but always on the name of a man, so I am confident that Mary is a descendant of David. !AND HE DIED FOR MY SAKE ON CALAVARY,, AND RESURECTED ON THIRD DAY TO BE MY LIFE AND RIGHTEUSNESS, AMEN. Ask the millions of fallen-away Catholics like myself who have liberated themselves from such mass hysteria and b.s. What I can contribute to this discussion is the following. The parable of the wheat and tares can also help you understand these things. if we all carry the same dna which jesus had then why are we so different? This may all sound like a riddle, but this is the Gospel and worth the effort seeking. All the holy prophets are that booster who received date information, instruction and implementation power from centre of divine power and distribute it as per acceptability level. These traits are dependent on our ancestors back 3 or 4 generations. Thank you for your good questions. I DO believe that thru the Holy Spirit Jesus was placed in Marys womb. His shrine as a holy man has been visited for 2000 years And we are in Him, in His DNA. He found no fault with them and every time He read from them, He indirectly approved them. You will see that we do know Jesus DNA and it has profound spiritual significance and clarifies many scriptures. The only way to settle this matter is through faith and that is why we are justified by faith. Thus Jesus is Jewish, and the Hebrew version of His name is Y e shua Hamashiach = Jesus the Messiah. Here are just a few: Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. With not so long ago discovery, research, translation & transliteration of the Dead Sea Scrolls any & every TRUE believer of GOD & Jesus MUST accept the fact that the is only ONE Almighty GOD and that Jesus Christ (AS) is NOT GOD but a Servant & Messenger of GOD. And each time the translator adds and subtracts what they will. The Free Christian Teaching TV - Unique blood of Jesus Christ, with only 24 chromosomes | Free Christian Teaching TV Free Christian Teaching TV Thats why God say seek my face and do my will so that you may have life abundanly sori to say but not everyone saying Lord Lord will enter into the Kingdom of God. Catholics believe the bread and wine offered at Mass become the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ before they are received as communion. He was the lamb of God, the son of Man, the unblemished sacrifice, the Son of God and He was the Last Adam. All of these attributes could only be possible through the conception of the Holy Spirit. However the term 'Jew' became used for all descendants of Israel. Which side will win: cancer or no cancer. The Male released his Y-SPERM only, coz or else JESUS had to be a GIRL!!! The point Im making here, Rod, is this If youre going to quote Scripture as being fact, i.e. You didnt know the truth about God because evil blinded you and deaf and full of anger and full of demons inside of you thats why you dont even feeland you cant explain how life is beautiful with Jesus living in the body oreated by Him! The 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, differ between males and females. Even they never saw that before. Think about it: all humanity came from Adam, including Eve. The reason the Virgin Mary had to be conceived by the Holy Spirit is because Jesus is the Son of God. Our flesh and blood will not enter the kingdom of God because it is not perfect, it is polluted with mutations due to sin. will be called As you have read it, Jesus was only a son or a descendant of David not a real son of God; he was just a man. Those who will not accept a gift are not acceptable. Chromosome 9 is made up of about 141 million DNA building blocks (base pairs) and represents approximately 4.5 percent of the total DNA in cells. TRINITY PROVED This world want Jesus out of everything because they dont want Him to rule the world they dont want his goverment on earth for peace and love and all that is good down hear man could never in his life time ever make peace and because of it Jesus had to come to one day bring the real peace to humans. Nice try, though, but yeah, you just lied. Thank you for the very good question. Come to His Throne, for the Blood has atoned, for your sins, come enter in, come enter in. Look it up in the Bible. Why is this claim not reliable? God is great and that great God created you miraclesly. He has been known to fake data, the use pictures from out of contextto flat out lie. 7:12-14? Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. He was a good man and he was sent to heaven for his worthy life. WE are the ones who need to believe in Him IF we want to have a decent eternity. No wonder people are turning away from religion its all wishful dreaming and no facts. So Jesus was the second Adam totally unrelated to the first Adam who never had immortal life in him (he fell before he could obtain immortal life). 1. Contradicting statements such as youve made are not only illogical, but are also not credible. They gave us a few tools like religion to guide us out of our infancy and toward a advanced humanity. The quran is a hebrew bible and in my opion the Jews did not exsept Jesus as the Son of God. yes there will be and there is find him. Did the Most High changed his name? Amen, The word of God is the only bibel that records the profecy acurerd. there are no clone yet that timemary cant do that Let us read in: A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham- The standard method of . I have not be able to solve this riddle yet. Regards. You need proof? And considering God(Jesus) created DNA its a mute point. Humans have 46 chromosomes. Related Articles. came to earth stupid humans thought they where gods, like long ago in Africa natives thought if you took their photo you own their soul yeah right wake up to reality Humans exist as part of the earths natural time frame soon we will all be like the dodo gone for ever. HE WAS THERE IN THE BEGINING OF CREATION AND HE CAME TO LIVE AMONG MEN TO SHOW MAN THE NATURE OF GOD ALMIGHTY WHOSE ATTRIBUTES ARE SPIRITUAL. Ron was convinced that the blood of the altar was in fact the divine blood of Jesus because the chromosome count was 24. In Isaiah 44:6, the LORD (Yahweh) refers to himself as the First and the Last. If the suppressor genes are bountifully expressed, there will be no cancer. It is a rare AB blood type, the same blood type found on the Shroud and the headcloth, with only 24 chromosomes, 23 from the mother and one Y from God the Father. Nothing? And with that blown Spirit, men can live eternally, because it is a Godly Spirit (1 John 3:9) or the incorruptible seed (1 Peter 1:22-23). Let It Be. (I guessed i got your line of question). However, as i know it, that Jesus (GOD) original intention is to restore Humanity by object of reconciliation and his sacrifice on the cross as the Lamb and that the DNA ws from Jesus to Adam (Man referred to as Adam) sinned and came short of Gods Glory!!! Be Blessed and Be a Blessing. Flesh and blood can not interpret this. Through the Blood of Christ there flows, the forgiveness of all sin, And through this River of Life, all men can enter in. I am not afraid of the truth, I love it; and Enoch was an interesting character in the Bible, but that doesnt mean that he wrote the book of Enoch.. He is the source of all power. The other two chromosomes, X and Y, are the sex chromosomes. It all comes together. only the power of God can do thatits not possible for him If all the DNA came from the Holy Spirit, these prophecies would have not been true. So the Holy Spirit had to have inseminated a virginal Mary with the \"Y\" chromosome of the one true almighty G-d of Abraham. ?, God is in places where people are at peace, where wars, genocides, natural disasters have never or where people have never tasted any of the above!! You obviously are a seeker of the deep things. Jesus sacrifice for us molds it and shapes it so we can use it, it gives life texture and depth, and more abundance. Jesus DNA would also not match the shroud that is of St. Peter. I suspect that Jesus did not have the sin nature since the first Adam did not have the sin nature. The Gospel According to DNA So, this is very interesting. I would like to inject one small point to what you said which is important. 14 I will be his father, and he will be my son. why some are more powerful some are weak? The Israelis, too, concluded that Jesus had 23 chromosomes from his mother but only 1 chromosome from his father, making his blood unique among human beings. Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil alameen There is no son of God because God is one and has no sons. Jesus himself had said that we are gods and the kingdom of God is with in you. Thats what logic would tell me. You would only scratch the surface of what real love and sacrifice is. If Jesus had only one copy of DNA, none of us could exist in the resurrection (3) Mary had the DNA from the family of Judah and it had genetic mutations; the Holy Spirit had to clean these mutations up. His response (paraphrased), I have to make money somehow. I strongly urge you to not use Wyatts material and if you have published anything on line, you should take it down and perhaps apologize for putting out unreliable material. I know you are searching.. Jesus was seen by many after his resurrectionLazarus rose from the deadPeter raised a man. time.,so we are not the Church but we can be a Member, The offspring would be raised by the husband and mother as their own but would be educated in the scriptures by the priests of the temple to possibly become new priests. I hope this helps. 12 When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom. Jesus actually shared his DNA with Adam. By the way, myths have no evidence which is why theyre called myth. YESHUA was born under the curse. Matthew 11:25 to the bible, there are 1,000 Qs to be answered, if from adam patriarchs to jesus to muhammad (PBTH) were prophets what prophesy those 3 gave n fullfilled? . dear brother god bless you but you not understood god is comming soon and you will be looking in cloud but that time hi not give sorry for any any person who say agenst god but we pray for you god give you wish and you help for your confusion. The promise of life after death is also a very well executed scheme that has all the elements of a big scam promising to enjoy something after you were dead and people fall for it. Though we were given free will, it is till God whom we should consult in the deepest recesses of our spirituality. Therefore,we look like God! This is not scientific at all. This environment is very complex; it is more that just diet and air quality. to Gods word in 2 Samuel 7:12-14 (NIV) Stoning was the penalty for adultery if caught. He is a charlatan and a self-serving self-promoter, and Christians would do well to not use any of his material. The book of God never needs to be ammended or corrected. now that, Wang is truly a fairytale ! Since he is a descendant of David who will be called or given the title Son of God then that means Jesus is indeed the continuation of the prophecy in 2 Sam.7:12-14 There are 23 chromosomes from the mother and a "Y" chromosome from a father. As I stated in my reply comments of 18Sep18 at 2:55 PM and 18Sep18 at 3:10 PM: Jesus would have received Mary's 22+X chromosomes (including the blood type chromosome 9) and He would have received from God the Holy Spirit [see again above] (Mt 1:18,20; Lk 1:30-31, 34-35) 22+Y chromosomes (also including chromosome 9). The Image of God is first seen in Genesis, it is God that said let us make man after our own image after our own likeness so he is not alone when he say that, there is somebody that he is talking with, the person that also have the same image with himand for sure you addmin know that aleady, yes your correct that is Jesus Christ (Col.1:15) and that Image is pass on to Adam..and to Evethe Day when they Createdbut the question is where is that Image now? god be with you . We are also descended from Mohammed, the Royal house of Jordon, and the Royal House of Saud. my brother God have mercy in you.,then..created Our original genes created on day 6 of creations have no mutations and these original genes will be restored to us when we are resurrected. (2) Where did mass and energy come from? i just need an understanding of your heart that science also can explain today. Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Words of Jesus). So did Christ come to us through something perfect or not perfect Mary? If all else fails, watch the debates of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat on the topic on Youtube. He was a Jew, as me and many others. after noah, why men became evil that caused destruction of sodom? Physical body have thousands of components connected and interface each other, life is existed in this body in the different forms of energy that activate it till death and controlled by system software read only memory and language programme. Why do people kill each other in the name of god??? We are also descended from the Royal House of Jarrahids. This may seem like a small point, but if you think about it, it is profound recurring theme in the Scriptures, for instance our place in the body of Christ. John 17:23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. Some of the early karyological terms . Jea 10:35 If he called them gods to whom the word of God cameand Scripture cannot be broken The church is the children and chosen ones of God. Joseph was in the lineage of David. So, we have much confidence in the Bible. Jesus, being the last Adam had the same physical appearance as Adam. Two copies of chromosome 9, one copy inherited from each parent, form one of the pairs. 33, they should not scare you take your belief, i think when tsunamis, hurricanes and bombing wash away lives, God is always in hiding not to die, do you think those people a very sin full better than i or you , so if its believing i do not believe in a Petty, Coward God of Christian, Moslems or the God all people at large as portrayed!!!! ; became used for all descendants of Israel penalty for adultery if caught logically, had. Remain as well as the orally and written history accounts of the altar was in fact the blood. Being fact, i.e his resurrectionLazarus rose from the deadPeter raised a.. 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jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes

jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes