external factors affecting educational achievement sociology

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Institutional Racism, where Racism is endemic at the level of policy. parents' attitudes and interest in education- Douglas cultural deprivation. Also PREVENT doesnt specify that Muslim children should be targeted (rather than say White extremists) but it is Muslims who make up the majority of referrals under PREVENT, suggesting racist labelling is occurring. The 'cost of free schooling'. In school process which may explain differential educational achievement by ethnicity include: NB some people might regard racist banding and streaming and the ethnocentric curriculum as part of Institutional Racism, its just a matter of how you define it! A much higher proportion of pupils today are Black and Asian and schools have made progress towards making their curriculums more multicultural. Criticizes the notion of a crisis of masculinity leading to aggressive male identities These lads had traditional laddish identities but were not aggressive or put off by feminized work They are best described as reliable workers making the most of limited opportunities available to them. The effects of cultural and social capital on education brief revision notes on how the values and connections of middle class parents give their children an advantage in education. Sociology socio family exam practice sociology Preview text Applying material from Item A and your knowledge, evaluate the view that differences in educational achievement between social classes are the result of factors and processes within schools Factors that can affect differences in educational achievement between social classes are both . External Factors Of Social Class And Educational Achievement: Cultural Deprivation External Factors Of Social Class And Educational Achievement: Material Deprivation Internal Factors Of Social Class And Educational Achievement: Teacher And Pupil Attitudes An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. (3) Francis et Al (2010) The Construction of British-Chinese Educational Success. Social capital is linked to cultural, economic and educational capital and refers to how we use our culture to socialise. This refers to the lack of "cultural equipment", which can be an issue for working class families. There is some evidence that teachers have labelled the behaviour of Muslim children as indicating they are being radicalised into extremist views. For a more in-dept look at the issue please see this post: Are Schools Institutionally Racist? 02 Social Class & Education (External Factors) Esher Sociology 7.54K subscribers Subscribe Like Share Save 39K views 6 years ago Education The second topic in the Sociology of Education. Trends in Apprenticeships in England and Wales a statistical overview of Apprenticeships up to 2021. Learn how your comment data is processed. Some argue that working-class pupils are likely to be culturally deprived, often because of inadequate socialisation. Educational policy has had a profound impact on society. This is because the national curriculum made it compulsory for girls to study subjects such as science. -Homelessness - difficult to do any school work. The norms and values of the subculture are of messing about and avoiding work and to welcome poor grades. The main set of exams, GCSEs, which have a huge impact on future educational pathways are sat at 16, when boys are going through puberty, this probably puts them at a disadvantage to girls who go through puberty earlier. He noted that Black Caribbean students were less likely to be put into higher sets/ bands/ streams than their white peers and less likely to be entered for higher tier exams, and it is teachers who make decisions about banding and streaming and so ultimately teacher labelling is to blame here. It is between groups based on ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental abilities, and income. We can use that same freedom of expression to give verbal silent abuse and hollow kindness to our Male peers with impunity. External Factors - Material factors. When there was a change in educational achievement - where grades increased or dropped between primary and secondary school - we found this was largely explained by those environmental factors . Includes summaries of Tony Sewell, David Gilborn and the concept of educational triage. Trends in statistics have shown Chinesepupils to achieve the best in education, whereas black Caribbean and Gypsy Roma pupils have fallen behind. 1988-9 gender gap increased, same year coursework was introduced. and others are labelled as trouble, naughty or stupid. The state of the home may affect individual since the parents are the first socializing agents in an individual's life. These factors include: labelling, streaming, pupil subcultures, pupil identities and the development of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Links to posts on the sociology of education for A Level Sociology, including perspectives on education (Functionalism, Marxism etc. Give 3 examples of the values of people who experience cultural deprivation in relation to education. Some (now quite dated) participant observation research has found that anti-school subcutures among black boys may be responsible for their historic underachievement . The key internal ("in-school") and external ("out-of-school") factors that impact differential educational achievement in the UK are explored in this video#s. Such factors include material deprivation (the inability to afford basic resources, such as adequate housing, food and heating) and cultural deprivation (deficiencies in home and family backgrounds, such as inadequate socialisation, inadequate language skills and inappropriate attitudes/values). One important example of an in-school factor is labelling. Strand suggested that the higher exclusion rates of Black Caribbean students could explain some of the difference, as could the fact that they were more likely to have SEN statements, but this still didnt explain all of the difference. Internal factors. To give an example, from an A Level Politics exam paper from several years ago: The powers of the prime minister are considerable. Discuss. Labelling and teacher racism 2. We enjoy positive communication from parents and teachers. The Marxist perspective on education brief revision notes covering four key ideas of the Marxist perspective on education: school as part of the ideological state apparatus, the correspondence theory, and the reproduction and legitimation of class inequality. The achievement gap is the disparity in educational attainment between different groups. LS23 6AD This just covers the theory. Tony Sewell (1997) observes that Black Caribbean boys may experience considerable pressure by their peers to adopt the norms of an urban or street subculture. Educational underachievement external & internal factors 1. Sociologists also suggest reasons for the difference in gender subject choices and reflect on gendered identities. As a general rule Chinese and Indian students achieve the highest in education, and most ethnic minority groups achieve at a similar level to White children, with the exception of Black Caribbean students and Gypsy-Roma students. In order for a business to experience significant growth and success, there are multiple factors, both internal and external which need to be accounted for. Whereas many pupils were able to see that this was a question they were well-prepared for (evaluating whether or not the prime minister was very powerful) others got into difficulties evaluating whether or not people considered the powers of the prime minister. AS Sociology - Education - Internal & External Factors Learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. 2. changes in the family. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! The black girls Mirza studied did value education and wanted to work hard and do well, but they responded negatively to their teachers negative labelling by outwardly appearing to not care about school and care more about appearance. Mirza (992) found that teachers had stereotypically low expectations of black girls and thus didnt push them too hard in lessons and entered them for lower tier exams. Many of the above research studies are now 30 years old and focus on labelling of black-boys. Boston House, What did Connor and Dewson (2001) find in regards to working class families? There are loads of factors influencing DEA and class; here are 5: Labelling Streaming Self-fulfilling prophecy Pupil subculture Marketisation and selection policies Labelling When a teacher attaches certain definitions towards the children and then acts as if that label is true. The belief boys should be strong and false belief in genetics creates blatant denial of differential treatment which is creating the lower academics and other problems many boys are facing today. Click here to review the details. We've encountered a problem, please try again. class based attitudes and values which form subcultures - Sugerman and Hyman. Evaluate the view that differences in educational achievement by class, gender and ethnicity are the result of in-school processes, All My A Level Sociology Revision Resources, Positivism and Interpretivism in Social Research, The Functionalist Perspective on the Family, The Functionalist Perspective on Crime and Deviance, Environmental problems and sustainable development, Social Action Theory (Interpretivism and Interactionism), Social class, wealth and income inequalities, Why do boys do worse than girls, and vice versa, why do boys and girls choose different subjects, How do different genders/ sexuality experience school differently (gender and identity), 50 short answer exam practice questions and exemplar answers. Language codes are the different ways people communicate and Bernstein argues that middle-class pupils can switch between casual speech (the restricted code) and the elaborate code that is used in more formal situations. The elaborate code often uses unexpected words and phrases, or uses words to mean something different from its usual meaning. Sociological perspectives on the relationship between education and work a brief summary post covering the Functionalist, Marxist, Feminist, New Right and Postmodern perspectives on education and work. Ethnic differences in achievement: External factors: Cultural deprivation: Intellectual and language skills: Claims children from low-income black families lack intellectual stimulation. For example, material or cultural deprivation can lead to underachievement. However, statistically this kind of labelling probably doesnt affect the achievement of Muslim students who are mainly of Pakistanis and Bangladeshi origin, as overall the achievement of both these groups has been improving. Sociological Explanations of Educational Underachievement class notes, and an introduction to the sub-topic. Institutional racism 5. External factors such as the impact of feminism and girl's changing ambitions could have a large influence on gender differences in educational achievement. Cecile Wright: labelling in primary schools, David Gilborn: African-Caribbean children as a threat, Tony Sewell: Teachers threatened by Black masculinities. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 4) . Explaining the Gender Gap in Education In School Factors revision notes explaining how things such as teacher labelling and pupil subcultures affect boys and girls differently. University fees = putting w/c off going. These posts are either medium form (like a text book section) or revision notes form, sometimes both! Now these jobs have gone, many working class boys perceive themselves as having no future. Education and Schools in the United Kingdom Key Statistics a look at of some of the most basic statistics on the UK education system, including the number of schools, school types, pupils and teachers, along with some comments on the validity of such statistics. Globalisation and Education a summary of five ways in which globalisation has affected education in the U.K. Another in-school factor is suggested by Basil Bernstein and it is the idea that teachers, textbooks and external examiners use a particular language code (the elaborate code) which middle-class pupils are also able to use, while working-class pupils tend to use the restricted code. 6. This treatment creates more social/emotional distrust of others parents and teachers. (2017) summarize much of the literature on STEM gender gaps from psychology, sociology, and education. - Racism in wider society. One external factor is, in terms of social class, those from a Black Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladesh (B/C, P, B) background are more likely to be from low-income households, experiencing poverty and unemployment and as a consequence this material deprivation means that they will be unable to provide their children with the books, tuition and - Pro and anti-school subcultures. factors and/or internal or external factors, or their interrelationship. Parental aspiration seems to be especially important David Gilborn (1990) Found that while vast majority of teachers tried to treat all students fairly, they tended to see African-Caribbean children as a threat when no threat was intended and reacted accordingly with measures of control. He only asked the teachers about their perception of parental interest. In the case of the curriculum in English schools an ethnocentric curriculum would have a focus on White British culture and less of a focus on Black and Asian cultures. There is also evidence that adolescent girls score higher in tests measuring non-cognitive skills such as attentiveness, organizational skills, and self-discipline. More recently, surveys conducted by Human Rights Watch found that 60% of Muslim students feel alienated by the way PREVENT polices are implemented in schools. 2002-2023 Tutor2u Limited. External factors refer to the factors outside of the school which can negatively influence a pupil's achievements. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 2002-2023 Tutor2u Limited. Symbolic violence is when society defines the lower class' taste and . What effect does poor housing have on class achievement? EXTERNAL FACTORS IN EDUCATION: SOCIAL CLASS AND LANGUAGE Bernstein: Bernstein argued that W/C students are socialised into speaking in the restricted code at home which puts them at a disadvantage at school as they fail to fully comprehend with the elaborated code used by teachers and in resources and exam papers. We need to stop looking at where boys are in life and behavior and begin see how boys are treated very differently from us as girls from infancy by parents teachers peers and society all to make them tough. Tony Sewell (1996) Black Masculinities and schooling He was primarily interested in the experiences of black boys in education and he found that some black students were disciplined excessively by teachers who felt threatened by these students masculinity, sexuality and physical prowess because they had been socialised into racist attitudes. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. Do teachers label ethnic minorities today? This post also analyses the impact of New Right or Neoliberal and Social Democratic ideas on Labours education policies. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Gender Differences In Achievement - Internal/External Factors Flashcards by Bradley Sherman | Brainscape Brainscape Find Flashcards Why It Works But this isnt about difficult vocabulary, but about sentences and phrases that use familiar words but in unfamiliar ways. McDowell research on aspirations of white working class youth A sample of males with low educational achievement living in Sheffield and Cambridge aged 15. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Asian children were seen as a problem that could be ignored, receiving the least attention and often being excluded from classroom discussion and rarely asked to answer questions. (1) The Swann Report (1985) Education For All. Teacher pupil relationships may explain some of the differences in educational achievement by ethnicity, and since it is teachers who have the power in school, teacher labelling is something we need to consider. When people have the sufficient norms and values that increase their social mobility and success. Cultural deprivation say that we must have basic values, attitudes and skills needed for success through socialisation within the family. NB: Tony Sewell ultimately holds black boys themselves responsible for their underachievement: it is their negative attitudes to schools that are mostly to blame in his opinion, but he does at least recognise that negative teacher labelling doesnt help! Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. LS23 6AD This post explores the concept of institutional racism in schools in more depth. Talcott Parsons perspective on education class notes which take a more in-depth look at Parsons views of the role of education in society. So all of us suffer from some amount or layers of maintained unresolved mental work which limits our leftover mental energy for thinking learning and mental health.As we can see the problem involving differential treatment and learning is much more complex than school curriculum. If the teacher taught the lesson in French and some pupils in the class spoke French and therefore understood, that is not necessarily because they are more intelligent, they just happened to have learnt that language. Explaining Class Differences Social class background has an influence on the child's chances of success in the education system with children from middle classes on average performing better than the working class students with the gap in achievement growing as the children grow older. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. 11 Q Who said poor nutrition can affect pupils' achievement? Bowles and Gintis The Correspondence Principle detailed class notes on this classic piece of Marxist theory on education from Bowles and Gintis classic (1976) work Schooling in Capitalist America. 1 - Sociologists for cultural deprivation. They are totally ignoring how their individual environments greatly affect their thinking, learning, motivation to learn and their mental health. marketisation, subcultures and cultural capital. While girls do have intrinsically slightly higher cognitive abilities, they are not significant enough alone to make them more adept at schoolwork than boys. Feminist sociologists argue that many of the above changes have been brought about by their attempts to highlight gender inequalities in society and their efforts to encourage the government, schools and teachers to actually combat patriarchy and provide genuine equality of opportunity which has lead to raising the expectations and self-esteem of girls. Question 1. However, the increasing independence of women has lead to a more uncertain role for men in British society, leaving many men feeling vulnerable and unsure of their identity in society suffering from a crisis of masculinity. 214 High Street, comes under three main aspects the first one is 'Language' as shown in item A 'social class differences in educational achievement' is one of the . identify, describe and explain various processes within schools affecting educational achievement including, streaming, setting, mixed ability teaching, labelling and the self-fulfilling prophecy. Children from the middle class do better at GCSE, stay longer in full time education and take a majority of . White European languages such as French being taught as the main language subjects rather than Asian or African languages. In contrast to material factors there are also cultural factors that can impact educational achievement. - Poor Housing. education and be less motivated and determined to aim for their educational achievement if they don't immediately see it in . Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. You can read the details below. (2) GOV UK (Accessed January 2023) Permanent Exclusions. This form of language often finds its way into textbooks and exam papers and therefore middle-class pupils are at an immediate advantage. Give a weakness for Douglass methodology in his study. Assemblies having a Christian focus, as well as the school holidays (Easter and Christmas). Company Reg no: 04489574. They know how to do an amazing essay, research papers or dissertations. Pupils responses and subcultures 3. West Yorkshire, Sociologists suggest the increased achievement in girls educational performance is the result of external factors (girls changing ambitions, changes in the family, changes in women's employment) and internal factors (equal opportunities, teacher attention, coursework). ReviseSociologySociology Revision Resources for SaleExams, Essays and Short Answer QuestionsIntroFamilies and HouseholdsEducationResearch MethodsSociological TheoriesBeliefs in SocietyMediaGlobalisation and Global DevelopmentCrime and DevianceKey ConceptsAboutPrivacy PolicyHome. In school process which may explain differential educational achievement by ethnicity include: Teacher labelling which can be both positive and negative (high and low expectations depending on the ethnic group) Pupil reactions to teacher labelling and pupil subcultures. Willis in 1977 argued that the Lads formed a counter school culture and rejected education even when they had jobs to go to, meaning there are other causes of male underachievement besides the crisis of masculinity. The 1988 Education Reform Act detailed class notes covering all of the specific policies introduced to implement the marketisation of education namely GCSEs, league tables, formula funding, OFSTED and the national curriculum. This means that idea of getting a career is seen as normal by girls. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Hence because acting White includes doing well at school, acting Black necessarily implies not doing well in school. - Cultural background. Use thearrows or swipe across to explore topics in more detail, including key, Topic 1 - Class Differences in Achievement (External Factors), Some sociologists believe that working class underachievement is due to factors outside the school. Since the 1980s females have been seeing increasing returns on their investment in education as they have greater and greater access to better jobs, while boys have been experiencing reducing returns relative to girls. The Sociology of Education: An Introduction, Ethnicity and differential educational achievement, The relative importance of gender/ class and ethnicity in differential educational achievement, Relationships and Processes Within Schools. What are the 4 external factors affecting girls achievement? Social democratic views lead to comprehensivisation. - Setting and streaming. These are the children that grow up culturally deprived. LS23 6AD Related posts are linked above in this post and via the education page. The ethnic differences in educational achievement are clearly visible. A Feminism is a movement that strives for equal rights for women in all areas of life Challenges traditional stereotypes regarding gender roles 5 Q The prosperity of middle class parents is a main factor in their support of their children through education, enabling them to go onto higher education. Arguments for and Against Reintroducing Grammar Schools this was suggested a few years ago now my Theresa May, but Im not sure its on the cards anymore. Know how to do an amazing essay, research papers or dissertations values, attitudes and skills for. The values of people who experience cultural deprivation say that we must have basic values, attitudes and needed... Please try again external factors affecting educational achievement sociology doing well in school a clipboard to store clips. Of & quot ;, which can be an issue for working class youth a of! X27 ; cost of free schooling & # x27 ; attitudes and interest in education- cultural... 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external factors affecting educational achievement sociology

external factors affecting educational achievement sociology