deliverance from spirit of anxiety

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Hi Dorothy. When the devil comes around seeking WHOM HE MAY DEVOUR (the ones who ALLOW him), understand he comes with SYMPTOMS to convince you he has power over you. Rebuke the spirit in name Jesus. Satanic worms in my body, come out and die, in the name of Jesus. The ministry of deliverance and healing was birthed in this season of my life as I saw how Christians will come to Church Sunday after Sunday and have the same problems even after hearing the word and being prayed for. In the beginning I was too weak to fast, so I would ask my husband to fast for me. And it makes you feel so alone and in these times it helps to see who God truly is,, he is your ABBA, your daddy and he loves when his children talk to him about everything ,the good things, the bad things etc, remember he is not just for praying too, he is for living life along side of you. Shall you not know it? With every mental illness or struggle I believe a root cause can be lack of security and confidence in God and in ourselves. If my bipolar where spiritual, I would know exactly what to do about it Biblically, and therefor I would cease to have it in Jesus name. #jenniferleclaire #awakeninghouseofprayer #propheticchurch #fortlauderdalechuch #southfloridachurch #spiritualwarfarechurch. Every wind scattering my focus, I rebuke you, in the name of Jesus. Sending a big hug . You are in for a battle. I know I can't do this on my own. Oh, Lord, we know from Your Holy Word that anger can well up inside us, turn our thoughts from You and channel them into destructive . Of course not. I would add that I am 77 years old, but with a young wife and a son of 14. I had to stop wailing in desperation for God to give me power, and understand he already gave me all the power i need. He has already answered your prayers. Resist that heavy spirit, stand firm, allow the Word to fill your heart, and dont accept ANYTHING less. Uphold me by your generous spirit so that I may not fall back to addiction. I cancel all the devil's assignments against me, my family, and my household in Jesus name. Second, i declare the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit, that depression is overpowered by the presence of the Holy Ghost which has already been given us. Lashawn, please read what i just posted to Bethanyfor your daughter. Will be praying for you! Hopefully, you will have your house ready sooner than you think. 37I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them; Neither did I turn back again till they were destroyed. I was all of fourteen and full-blown depressed, and I wasted the next four years of my life until I got help. You need to be vulnerable with those you trust, you need to be desperate for deliverance, and you need to be willing to cry out to God. My perspective on suffering has changed. I do believe there is situational, and spiritual depression but we are not doctors nor are we God. Please pray for my mom, Sally. Within six months of that decision, I was completely under the spell of the Spirit of Depression. He is turning your worship from God towards him. I believe the mere act of going to mass once a week at that age wouldve helped me put on the Armor of God much sooner in my life, even though I wouldnt have fully comprehended what was going on, and the Spirit of Depression wouldnt have stood a chance. Fear can be a natural human emotion, but it can also come from a demonic spirit: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7, emphasis added . Understand they are ALL true according to the Word. Search your home for occult items such as oujia boards, Buddhas, talismans, fetishes, tarot cards, etc. Octopus spirits, like all spirits, need a host to operate.Until such time one is obtained the spirit remains without physical attributes. Implement praise and worship in your schedule. I am 77 and live alone, so dont have anyone around me to help. Dont allow it to keep sitting there. : Sow at He is so majestic, faithful and kind. Thank You very much you save me from been depressed for about 7months now..May God richly bless you. I am very thankful that the Lord has created humans smart enough to make these medications. He meant what he said beloved. Filed Under: Christian Deliverance Ministry, Featured Post Slider, Uncategorized. You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED! I have been free from depression ever since then except for some very small minor bouts. It is an evil spirita personality that studies us, knows our weaknesses, and knows how and when to attack. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Jake Kail was called to ministry in college after a life-changing encounter with God. 13575 58 St. N., Suite 105 Notice 120 out of 120 disciples received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues in Acts chapter 2, Corneliuss entire household spoke in tongues, and 12 out of 12 people Paul prayed for spoke in tongues as well. It sits there to test you. The Lord wants you free. To cancel the assignment of harassing spirits familiar with your past, repeat this prayer. I have believed the lies of the enemy and allowed him You must address it as you would an enemy that has invaded your house. He wants you to comprehend what he has already given you. You sound exactly like what i went thru for years until God revealed and gave me understanding of all the things you already have in Christ, but you dont realize it. Refuse it, stand your ground. I recognize I can't get through this alone, and I pray against the very active enemy who is trying to shake my faith and tear us apart. I want to live in faith and please My God and help others .. right now the pain and anxiety seems to descend like it did with the evil spirit that fame to Saul .. Just dont give up. No matter what issues I am dealing with; no matter how big the problems or situations, I'm laying them all at Your feet today. This is a specific gift. You sound wonderful. Were in 2022. Hope this will help. 12. You have a wonderful website, so many are being hit with depression and anxiety who dont know what to do with it. Please remember that what you do has a rippling lasting affect on those around you. He indwells you. you need to KNOW it, not hope it, but KNOW it. Am with you My email address is Some days anxiety stalks me like a deceitful predator, and the temptation to worry draws me in. 4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Depression is caused by some sort of fear, guilt, condemnation, shame. Nothing is going to separate you from the love that God has for you, the plans and blessings he has for you. heart has been broken, I want to invite you to pray the Seeking spiritual deliverance from anxiety is one powerful pursuit but seeking His love for me was the greatest healing I received. psychosexual disorder. I break the strongholds of satan over your mind and lose the love and blood of JESUS over you right now. He has stolen what is the Lords, he has robbed you of your inheritance (which is peace & joy). Do you hear him saying this to you? Every spirit of sluggishness and backwardness in my life receive the fire of God now and be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. It was revealed to me how to deal with the problem. The occult is something I was in and God delivered me out. In my life, as my Mother suffered from this and my God bless your hearts. 4. Believe. Required fields are marked. If you know depressive thoughts have bound you or your It will not come in five minutes. Dont give into his lie. The 700 club is very good too. It knows what you look like a being of power and light so what does he do? 6. Maria, bless your heart. Resist the devil and he WILL flee. I will pray for you Bethany and for you Annas that God will provide and protect you , Today, I want to talk about how you can have a victorious thought life. Call the Profetic Prayer Clinic @ (956)792-8154. Refrain fromany association with the occult. Hello Bethany. No more wishy washy doubt, not even an inch. I am an OVERCOMER through the blood of the Its not coming from me. as his parents as mother Martha slatton zeman and his father John zeman and his sister deloreszemans and his wife as in her husband as as our mom and dad. The worlds getting more accepting not as much as it should be. Dear Edwin, hello. How many emotional spirits are there in humans? Do you recognise this as a demonic attack or a medical condition? Clearwater, FL 33760, Brandon, Florida As I look at Jesus' road to Calvary, I find that He had to encounter both. Not even your mind, or your harmful thoughts, or your weird thoughts, or your irrational fears! I suddenly knew that she would live. Are all prophets? Christina, i am available to talk also. No matter how long you try to persist with your lie, i wont believe you. It says he already gave it to us. I am now tuned in to recognise when an attack is coming. She experienced the love of God in a personal way that marked her and allowed her to know that God sees her and cares for her. Psalm 34:18-19. The depression lies to convince you it has power over you. One day, Rachels mom was praying for her and God gave her my name. I know that my God is faithful to restore my joy and peace that I may bring praise and song in victory. I GIVE YOU POWER OVER ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY (Luke 10:19), 3) Wait in Jerusalem until you are clothed with POWER FROM ON HIGH. What a god what a father what a loving father who forgives all our sins heals all our deseases by his blood we are set free now forever blessed be the name of Jesus Christ yesterday is gone all our sins are forgiven forgotten thrown away into a sea of forgetfulness as far as the east is from the west this is what our heavenly father Said through Jesus we are forgiven he remembers them no more so we choose today to say thank you Jesus for forgiving our sins carrying out sicknesses do not belong to us any more praise king Jesus Not hoping for it to show up,,,,because he says you already HAVE it. Father God, i pray you give Habab understanding that your Word is truth and you meant what you said. I cant take it anymore! He wants to destroy Gods children. I also recommend you get connected to a good Christian church that empowers people with tools and resources to walk out a victorious life because this is what Jesus died for us to walk in. !If you're interested. He HAS delivered us from its power in Christ and he isnt coming back to earth to do it again and again. Love, Thank you for this. Through those difficult times, You will teach me patience, enlarge my faith, and help me see things I couldn't see earlierif I will only let You. Their body doesnt produce insulin properly and therefore they must take insulin. No more crying, pleading for God to give you something he already gave you. The result? Thank you to every one who replied to my comment. 5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of anxiety. Jesus said that one of the signs that will follow a believer is that they will speak in tongues. Not in an hour, a day or next month, but NOW. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Trust Me. Please, understand the enemy does not have power over those in Christ. Sanctification is a life-long process. Psalm 9:9. After suffering from depression anxiety for so long this morning my prayer changed I prayed lord I choose to not live in fear of the feelings of fear anger I need to get up put on the armor of God and fight my battles, for God is our Victory and in Jesus name we are more than overcomes. He loves you more than our human heart and mind can express and understand. They will give you hope and they will change you. Learn our proven and effective 5-Step process. This will not be easy at first but paying off the first bill will jumpstart your confidence and create a positive mindset as you see progress being made. Nothing is too difficult for Him. God Bless! jesus is the deliverer. When you KNOW his word is truth, you wont be moved one little inch. Again, these gifts of Gods Spirit are not only for the gifted but for all followers of Jesus. Join me! Are all teachers? Bethany, I dont know what you are expecting when you say you have prayed for it, but it didnt happen. You will give me sweet rest! Christina,,,,,,error on my email. Its recognising the first attack, and nipping it in the bud. I went to counseling. However, I can teach you all of these things, anditwont change the fact that you still have a wolf staring you down,gnawingat your anklesandtrying to devour you. Chapter 12 . Doubt tries to sneak in, but you KNOW hes there! The helmet of salvation, brcause the devil attacks your mind saying you must not be saved. Its the same for healing or casting out a devil. Those who seek shall find. If you were as desperate as I was, I was a fool before the Lord and others, I didnt care. It challenges and defies because it wants you to doubt and back off. He isnt giving you another answer or another solution because he has ALREADY given you all you need in Christ. If you like, you can call this Ministry of Profetic Prayer Clinic. I believe she will be delivered in the Name of Jesus. To think of His anger at my bondage to fear and anxiety completely overwhelms me. I have suffered with major anxiety and depression for 36 years. He is holding you, me, and everyone of His children who believe and trust in Him in the palm of His hand. I thank God for everyone here who reached out and prayed for you. This witness is the entire book of Acts. The key is KNOWING God already GAVE you power by His Spirit as his word says. I wanted deliverance from anxiety at any cost. 38I have wounded them, So that they could not rise; They have fallen under my feet. We would like to send you an update by email when we have a new Counseling / Deliverance Ministry article, podcast or video. Free my heart and help me to take things one step at a time. , Thank God first for allowing me to come on here . Believe that the Lord came that you might have life with exceeding joy in the midst of everything. I say, i cast you out in the name of Jesus. Hi Ryan Receiving tongues can be a hard one to talk about. Trust in God that you will get through this as long as you hold onto him and remember never be ashamed to ask for help from a doctor or friends or pastors etc love Jenny. In the name of Jesus, I break that spirit of rejection. While unpleasant, I know that pain serves a purpose in the life of a Christian. I rejoice that You have given me a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. So many circumstances happened over The last several years where several people unbeknownst to me or him had mentioned him to me or me to him Suggesting that we needed to meet each other. anxiety disorders. As a believer, your spirit is more powerful than any evil shrivelled up ugly demon of depression that has control over you. The Lord Jesus Christ delivered me completly with His almighty power of depression, anxiety, suicidal toughts, spiritual dryness, and fear of had commited the unpardonable . We live wretched lives, tormented and enslaved. Dear Dawn, the Lord is with you. obsessive - compulsive behavior. The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Youre going to get BIG BIG BIGGGG revelation from Him. It would be easy to dismiss depression as nothing more than the result of trauma which can be overcome with cuddles and love. Ohhhh Lord, theres nothing I can do.. but you are the God of our Salvation. Gods word says My power is made perfect in your weakness. Paul said, I will boast in my weaknesses that the power of Christ may rest on me. I see miracles when i have lost my own strength and i tell God, i cant do this. Its refreshing to know that God is on my side and is for me! Im scared that I do not belong to Jesus no matter my acknowledgment of Who He is and of my desperate need for Him to take control of my life. It might take a few sessions; but once you recognise an attack is beginning, then go back into warfare. I wish I could offer some words of wisdom, but I know that Jesus never abandons anyone. You want to free me from ALL my fears. God is trying to teach youhow to handle his sword. Show me a new way to handle life according to Your Way. He is turning your worship from God towards him. I dont usually write anything in the comment section. Fortify these weary bones and remind me of the truth that this pain and panic will not last forever. I have to say that the gift of tongues is given as the evidence we have received the Holy Spirit. To not giving up. You command it to leave in the name of Jesus and STAND your ground. know how I suffer. We are to especially do this if we are speaking in tongues in a church setting, and we can even do this to receive revelation from the Lord in our private prayer lives. He will never, ever abandoned you. He really IS who He says and once u see and understand his bigness, you will know. his deliverance prayer videos are powerful. I truly believe You are God manifested in the flesh Who died and rose from the grave for all of my sins. I simply say i cant do this,,,take over! Please, email me. Several inquirers were from the area of Nigeria, tried to get a phone number, and began receiving million dollar inheritance emails. We are superior beings to them belonging to the Master. While fear can be a human emotion, it can also come from a demonic spirit. Thank you! Amen. Here is a video I made. Every time that I want to remove myself from the situation then all of the things that I felt the Lord has said and done and given me to even write down and spoken to me come flooding back and I have a difficult time letting go. Dont you do that shit. Hope this helps! When you use the Word, it slays the devil. 8. I had to pray and fast against the spirit of poverty and lack as it was a generational curse in our family. I went through countless deliverances for demons, when I probably had no demon at all. Please show her how big and real you are because you are so abundant and mighty and caring, i ask you to reveal yourself to her so she has no reason to fear and or strive to get to you. Then i began having chest pain like a heart attack. I am not going to keep asking Him to deliver me because He says He already did when Christ died and rose and gave you a Spirit of Power. Remember though, that God is not only fighting on your behalf, but he is also strengthening You for the battle. I was a believer that felt like it was a spirit that needed to be cast out. Do for God Jesus angels holy ghost and holy spirit come down from sky heaven come over inside of my as deloreszemans live s here jasper Marion county Tennessee with my mom and dad come inside get me a 2 hug get beg hug big used old RV camper let it be great nice sweet Kool great nice RV camper let it be real low price cheap low cost payment pay for the RV camper about the this amount of money cash let it be this amount of money cash not let it go over this amount of cash $$$ 700 dollars cash for two buy pay for a RV camper, Pray over that me as deloreszemans mother over my daughter latosha honea zeman and her 4 kids children her daughter s and her son s and her husband kir and her brother as my son that God Jesus angel s and holy ghost and holy spriti will come over down inside of their house put love peace joy happyness kind happy love inside of their bodies body heart and were theyll will never ever ever stop having that lovee me as their mother deloreszemans get the devil Saten out of their house were the devil Saten never ever ever come back and like other wise my kids and grandkids come over down to come over down as their mother and as grandmother and pray for God and Jesus angel s holy ghost holy spirit come over down from sky heaven have to get kick take over the evil devil bad break from keep the bad devil evil people Shannon girffth Kyle girffth minlinda Griffith ougest girffth and her boyfriend and her kids Jane donson and her boyfriend and her kids and Angie donson and Kelly donson and her boyfriend and her kids and my daughter latosha honea zeman and her husband kir and her kids and my son her brother Carl honea zeman and Shannon and Kyle girffth and as theres girlfriends as theres Kelly tomieson that live in jasper Marion county Tennessee and the other girlfriend that live in Roseville Georgia get the very real far away from us as at our house place were we live at I am talking about at our parent s home place as our mother Martha slatton zeman our father John zeman and daughter deloreszemans our bother Willam Billys zeman his wife and our sisters lizebath zeman and her husband place pray do for real no lies let do let this happen let it be do let it come true and this come two past let this do happen this year before this year is up before this year come up year of February year 2023 this is what I want done to happen is for God Jesus angel s and holy ghost and holy spriti two come over down inside of my parents house home two go ahead take over there take over there body control over inside of their bodies body take them take them home up two sky heaven s they do need to get home up two sky heavens to God Jesus angel s holy spriti and holy ghost they are really very real bad off sick very real bad real bad very real bad in very bad pain they are crying out loud real tears crying out loud real very bad off sick very real bad real bad pain s inside of their bodies body s His anger at my bondage to fear and anxiety completely overwhelms me with you my email address is @. 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deliverance from spirit of anxiety

deliverance from spirit of anxiety